AMC Academic Test Preparation 2021, Test-7 | AMC Test preparation

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Q.1- Antheridium produces: 

 A) Eggs 

b) Sperms 

c) Spores 

d) Zygotes

  Ans. b

Q.2- The zygote in moss plant divides and produces: 

 a) Sperms 

b) Eggs 

c) Embryo 

d) Spores 

 Ans. c

Q.3- Alternation of generation: 

 a) Increases the chances of survival 

b) Decreases the chances of survival 

c) Does not affect survival 

d) None of these 

 Ans. a 

 Q.4- The diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide in bryophytes take place through the: 

 a) epidermal cells 

b) stomata 

c) pores in the epidermis 

d) cuticle 

 Ans. c 

 Q.5- The female sex organs in moss plant are called: 

 a) archegonia 

b) antheridia 

c) sporangia 

d) oogonia 

 Ans. a

Q.6- Which of the following is an example of liverworts? 

 a) Funaria 

 b) Marchantia 

c) Ulva 

d) Penecillium 

 Ans. b 

 Q.7- The scientist who explained about blood circulation for the first time was 

a) Antonyvan Leewen Hock 

b) William Harvey 

c) Gregor-Mendel 

d) Ronald Ross

Ans. b 

 Q.8- Which one of the following is not a digestive enzyme ? 

a) Pepsin 

b) Renin 

c) Insulin 

d) Amylopsin

Ans. c

Q.9- In a human body the longest bone is In the 

a) vertebral column 

b) thigh 

 c) rib cage

d) arm

Ans. b 

 Q.10- Which of the following food crops has the maximum content of proteins ? 

a) Cassava 

b) Soyabeen 

c) Wheat 

d) Maize

Ans. b 

Q.11- The total number of vertebrae in a human being is 

a) 26 

b) 30 

c) 29 

d) 33

Ans. d

Q.12- BCG Vaccination is to be given to a newborn child 

a) immediately after birth 

b) within 48 hours 

c) within seven days 

d) within six months

Ans. b

Q.13- Glaucoma is a disease of the 

a) Skin 

b) Lungs 

c) Liver 

d) Eyes 

Ans. d

Q.14- Human kidney disorder is caused by the pollution of 

a) Cadmium 

b) Iron

c) Cobalt

d) Carbon

Ans. a 

 Q.15- Dehydration in human body is caused due to the deficiency of 

a) Vitamin 

b) Salt 

c) Hormone 

d) Water

Ans. D


Q.16- Calorie is equivalent to 

 a) 0.4184 J 

 b) 41.84 J 

 c) 4.184 J 

 d) 418.4 J

Ans. c

Q.17- The net heat change in a chemical reaction is same whether. It is brought about in two or more different ways in one or several steps. It is known as 

 a) Henry’s law 

 b) Joule’s principle 

 c) Hess’s law 

 d) Law of conservation of energy

Ans. c

Q.18- Pressure – volume work is 

a) P D v 

 b) F x d 

c) h delta v 

 d) H + p v

Ans. a

Q.19- The unit of enthalpy change is 

a) calorie 

 b) joule 

c) volt 

 d) coulomb

Ans. a

Q.20- Born–Haber cycle is used to calculate 

 a) enthalpy of combustion 

 b) lattice energy of ionic camps 

 c) both a and b 

 d) none of above

Ans. B

Q.21- The chemist who synthesized urea from ammonium cyanate was;

a) Berzelious

b) Kolbe

c) Wholer

d) Lavoisier

Ans. c

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Q.22- Which set of hybrid orbitals has planner triangular shape;

a) sp3

b) sp

c) sp2

d) dsp2

Ans. c

Q. 23- Concept of Octane number was introduced by;

a) Kekule

b) Edgar

c) Wholer

d) Dalton

Ans. b

Q.24- A double bond consists of;

a) Two sigma bonds

b) one sigma and one pi bond

c) one sigma and two pi bond

d) two pi bonds

Ans. b

Q.25- Fractional distillation of petroleum yields only about _______ of gasoline;

a) 40%

b) 20%

c) 70%

d) 10%

Ans. b

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Q.26- Time period of simple pendulum only depends on: 

 A) Mass 

B) Amplitude 

C) Density 

D) Length

Ans. d

Q.27- At which place the motion of a simple pendulum will be slowest? 

 A) Karachi 

B) K-2 

C) Murree 

D) Lahore

Ans. b

Q.28- In microwave ovens, heating is produced by phenomenon of: 

 A) Damped oscillation 

B) Resonance 

C) Forced oscillation 

D) Free oscillation

Ans. b

Q.29- Tuning of radio is example of: 

 A) Mechanical resonance 

B) Electrical resonance 

C) Physical resonance 

D) Biological resonance, 

Ans. b

Q.30- If length of second pendulum becomes four times, then its time period will become: 

 A) Four times 

B)Six times 

C) Eight times 

D) two times 

Ans. d

Q.31- The rate of change of displacement is called——? 

a) Uniform velocity 

b) Speed 

c) Acceleration 

d) Velocity

Ans. D

Q.32- One of the example of sound waves is—–? 

a) Radio waves 

b) Keyboard 

c) Television 

d) None 

Ans. A

Q.33- Time period is reciprocal of—–? 

a) Volume 

b) Velocity 

c) Frequency 

d) Density

Ans. C

Q.34- The product of velocity and mass is called——? 

a) Momentum 

b) Displacement 

c) Force 

d) Torque

Ans. A 

Q.35- Which instrument is used to measure current? 

a) Galvanometer 

b) Voltmeter 

c) Ammeter 

d) Potentiometer

Ans. c


Q.36- You should not jest ______ his poverty. 

A) on 

B) with

C) at 

D) of 

Ans. C

Q.37- My friend amused us ________ funny jokes. 

A) from 

B) at 

C) on 

D) with 

Ans. D

Q.38- He persisted _____ silly ideas. 

A) on 

B) to 

C) in 

D) none 

Ans. c

Q.39- Nelson Mandela was deprived ______ his freedom.

A) from 

B)  in 

C) with 

D) of 

Ans. D

Q.40- I was astonished _____ his failure. 

A) In 

B) At 

C) On 

D) For 

Ans. B

Q.41- Synonym of Scrumptious _____________? 

A) Tasty 

B) Old 

C) Filthy 

D) Bumpy 

Ans. A

Q.42- Synonym of “knack” is _____________. 

A) bruise 

B) ability 

C) keepsake 

D) scoundrel 

Ans. B

Q.43- Synonym of “expunge” is _________?

A) rationalize 

B) purge 

C) exhale 

D) eradicate 

Ans. D

Q.44- Synonym of “domestic” is _________? 

A) exclusive 

B) native 

C) inactive 

D) exotic 

Ans. B

Q.45- Synonym of “assert” is _________? 

A) agree 

B) claim 

C) imply 

D) boast 

Ans. B

Q.46- Antonym of “bemuse” is _______? 

A) depress 

B) inspire 

C) clarify 

D) desire 

Ans. C

Q.47- Antonym of ” Incur ” is ____________? 

A) Attract 

B) Invite 

C) Earn 

D) Avoid 

Ans. D

Q.48- Antonym of PATHOLOGICAL is___________? 

A) Healthy 

B) diseased 

C) morbid

D) None of these

Ans. A

Q.49- Antonyms of “Apposite” is_____? 

A) Liable 

B) Connected

C) Inappropriate

D) None 

Ans. C

Q.50- Antonym of PIQUE is _____________? 

A) Hurt 

B) Irk 

C) Joy 

D) Huff 

Ans. C

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