CPEC Complete Article | Article on CPEC | CPEC Complete Essay

 An article on CPEC as a Geopolitical opportunity of Pakistan


China Pakistan Economic Corridor


1. Introduction (highlighting the dynamics of economic cooperation)

2. The state of the economic environment

3. Basic national and economic reasons for the project

4. The remaining Chinese export currency

5. Reason for investment desire

6. Expenditure of external reserves collected

7. Utilizing the services of skilled and professional people

8. Finding the shortest routes for exports and exports

9. CPEC as part of BRI

10. Shared Events - win-win projects

11. Overcoming fear

12. Project as a geopolitical opportunity

13. Conclusion


 To develop the economy of any country especially the developing world, which is the only role

a model that happens to be a success story attracts foreign investment. In some countries

investment is not only an important source of job creation but also a cause

operation of many other industries linked to the construction of visible infrastructure in

country. Since governments cannot create the desired number of jobs in the country,

therefore investment whether domestic or foreign has been established as a primary source of supply a

the economic beginning of any state.

With regard to Pakistan there is no blinking of the fact that it is very much in line with the following



1. Inactivity

2. Terrorism from across the border

3. Shortage of foreign and domestic investment

4. Power problem

5. Violence and crime in other parts of the world associated with poverty

6. Security threats


 Under the current circumstances, no other country has shown any interest in investing in Pakistan. It was China that came out with the biggest investmentan estimated $ 46 billion despite being a CPEC-related type of loan. It was April 2015,

China signs package $ 46 billion to develop China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) economic corridor connecting China's northwestern Xinjiang region and Pakistan Gwadar Harbor in the Arabian Sea just 600 miles [600 km] from the Strait of Hurmuz Persian Gulf (over 40% of the world's oil). Its economic divisions in China are it seems, but the construction of a significant visual infrastructure seems to be a quick solution and the downturn in Pakistan's fragile economy by creating jobs to the people of Pakistan. It also benefits trade from countries such as Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. 

The port will allow Chinese oil tanks from the Persian Gulf to the port and send oil and gas to China's Xinjiang-Shanghai oil pipeline directly. Also, Chinese products it can also be exported to Gwadar and re-exported to the Middle East and Africa once road and train links have been completed. Chinese, Pakistanis and other international companies will be involved in telecommunications infrastructure and power generation projects.


In total CPEC is a $ 62 billion project mainly for energy collection and transportation, partly in the form of a loan and a certain amount of money will be invested to build what is needed physical infrastructure. China is developing a less developed Western region Xinjiang is close to Pakistan and also plans to manufacture products for export Gulf and beyond Gwadar and surrounding areas.


It is not difficult to understand why China is interested in advancing such a large loan Pakistan's economic situation may not be so clear-cut. The fact is that China is developing its less-developed Western region is Xinjiang near Pakistan. It is the same again plans to make products in that region to be exported through Pakistan through Gwadar to the Gulf region, North Africa, and even Europe via the Suez Canal, and import oil from The Gulf and certain minerals come from Africa through the same route. China also wants to establish export units in Gwadar and other parts of Pakistan for export to neighboring countries.

 At present most Chinese trade continues through the passing Sea route South China Sea, Strait of Malacca, and the Indian Ocean in the above areas. This route it does not happen because it is too long and is not considered safe from a strategic point of view. Great forces can easily block this Marine route if there is a conflict from the region in the future in particular due to ongoing disputes over certain islands in the South China Sea such as Senkaku, as well coral reefs between China, and countries such as Vietnam, Taiwan, and Japan, etc.


Under the circumstances, CPEC is the easiest / most appropriate / possible / shortest

China's secure trade route to all destinations above.

 Foreign investment in the form of BRI and CPEC, in a way, is also a response to The Chinese are there to slow GDP growth rate. Therefore, the BRI and CPEC project is a prima facieis the next step for the Chinese to develop their economy through foreign trade and dumping export and human remains. As it is based on extending the debts from its banking system instead of the IMF and the World Bank, so it is a matter of concern to its rivals like India as well USA. There are political issues between them like Taiwan where American interests exist involved, with regional conflicts with India on its North-West and North-East border borders China. Concerns seem to be real as political parties and influences often follow that economic cooperation.

When we take a closer look at the reasons for these major Chinese projects we see that The 2007-8 recession also had a negative impact on China. As the purchasing power of European countries and even Americans came down affecting China's exports.During the during the recession and after that, China's GDP growth rate dropped to about 7% from past 9%. This has forced China to create its global economy in a different way. He called a conference for 28 provincial heads in May 2017 to launch the One Belt One Road (OBOR) project in general called the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The word ‘road’ here refers to the sea lanes and the ‘belt’, the roads and a global rail network. This includes a series of infrastructure development projects across Asia, Europe and Africa to boost trade. The required loan must be disbursed Chinese banking system.



The BRI of China announced in 2013 is implemented under China's 13th five-year plan (2016-20). It has two parts one is the Silk Road Economic Belt from East China the stretch of coast stretches northwest of China, and from there passes through Central Asia to Europe, and Maritime Silk Road from the east coast to Southeast Asia via the South China Sea, Strait from Malacca to North Africa. The BRI and CPEC program aims to promote and implement Chinese firms have developed international investment capabilities, especially in emerging economies.

This was done to help the Chinese mainstream currency exchange system to be used in FDI abroad. In addition, which enables China to transfer its technological know-how and development to less developed countries Asian and African economies. BRI and CPEC infrastructure development will do not only to promote the economic development of the ruling countries but will also help China to export the remaining money (products / services / skilled workers) to be repaired worldwide. BRI once CPEC is not only China-based projects but also a partner with participating countries such as and integrating other TNCs from Europe and America although most of them are donated to China companies.


CPEC is a mutually beneficial, shared and shared responsibility. However, there it is a concern in developed countries that over time, these Chinese projects will open up new Chinese corporate markets in areas currently dominated by Westerners companies, from engineering and communications to transportation and e-commerce.

 So see

sometimes they show their booking and frustration. In the case of Pakistan, India has and showed such bookings. That booking is political and economic, as well as strategic

so. India believes CPEC provides an opportunity for Pakistan to share its security with them China will therefore go a long way in relieving Pakistan of the Indian region hegemonic pressure.

In addition, India denies that the route passes through the disputed Kashmir region.

 It has also been pointed out by anti-CPEC countries especially India that Pakistan may face Sri Lanka like situation. Because of the inability of the Sri Lankan government to pay Chinese loan to build Seaport of Sri Lanka had to transfer port to China to hire. In fact, all debts taken must be repaid. I believe in even renting Seaport of Sri Lanka is not opposed to its interests. As this agreement has already brought so many benefits to Sri Lanka in many ways. During the construction process, it created many jobs in Sri Lanka.

China assisted Sri Lanka in suppressing the ongoing liberation movement in Jaffna The Peninsula is the Tamil Tigers, as well as the terrorist acts perpetrated by them against the Majority.

Sinhalese throughout Sri Lanka. This was a very disturbing story in the last history of Sri Lanka from going forward for decades.

 Pakistan is not the only one that enters into economic cooperation with China. Bangumore than 60 countries around the world spread to four continents: 




and Latin America via BRI. 


As a emerging force, China has developed a

Co-operative relationships around the world especially with Central Asia, Africa, Latin America, Caribbean, and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). During a visit in Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Cuba in November 2004, Chinese President Hu Jintao announced.

The U.S. $ 100 billion in investment over the next decade. Although China has long been iclose to North Korea, has established significant trade relations with South Korea as well. Chinese trade between African countries and infrastructure development projects has exceeded 200 billion. The Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum was officially established January 2004. Its current trading volume with South Asian nations exceeds the U.S. $ 20 billion a year.

India, although regarded as China's enemy, is a major trading partner with China. As for Europe, China is now the second largest EU trade partner behind the United States.


China in May 2017 invites 28 heads of state to Beijing, mainly from developing countries.

They have all reaffirmed their commitment to building an open economy and ensuring that it is free and cohesive trade, under the exciting Belt and Road program led by Beijing which agrees to promote a based on rules, a fair trade system and the World Trade Organization at its core and to oppose defense. Many more countries around the world are willing to join the One belt One a Chinese campaign, which proves a Chinese way of working not a contradiction or force one. Even the USA has very high trade between the two countries and China without the direct heat problem and China.

The economic benefits of this project to China are obvious, but the construction of the visible infrastructure required seems to be a quick and effective solution Pakistan's fragile economy does not talk about the hidden job opportunities it can bring unemployed youth of Pakistan. It is no doubt a win-win situation for the partners, as well as all of them they want to benefit from this as Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan as passing through unstable Afghanistan is not considered the best option for them at least time is of the essence. India, under normal relations with Pakistan in the future and they benefit from this route through the Wahga border.


Additionally, CPEC route safety and transit points are in place will be shared by China again, another benefit for Pakistan. This will also go a long way to stabilize the region especially Baluchistan which will benefit economically the profits of this trade route have gone up. The Chinese presence in Gwadar port will be military and it adds to the security of Pakistan especially in view of the unnecessary cases that have been initiated (which includes engineering terrorist attacks) by its East and West neighbors against it Pakistan which is the mainstay of foreign investment and tourism from Pakistan.

 India helps Iran develop its Chahbahar port (not far from Gwadar), but still not that it is a deep sea port like Gwadar. It is impossible for China to use it in its place Gwadar on the grounds that Afghanistan is becoming politically unstable between China and Iran in addition to its extended length.

 All of this shows that the CPEC opportunity given to Pakistan was highly motivated its geographical shape. Historical friendly relations between the two countries are also it contributed to the development of the confidence needed to move forward in this great cause economic self-sacrifice.

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