AMC Academic Test Preparation 2021, Test-6 | AMC Test preparation 2021

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Q.1- Cellulose is absent within the cell membrane of most: 

A) Fungi

B) Algae 

C) Pteredophytes 

D) Bryophytes 

Ans. a

Q.2- Which of the subsequent is employed in cheese production: 

A) Amanita 

B) Rhizopus 

C) Penecillium 

D) Neurospora 

Ans. c

Q.3- Which of the subsequent may be a human disease caused by Fungi? 

A) mildew 

B) Ring worm 

C) Rusts 

D) false mildew 

Ans. b

Q.4- amphimixis during which small male gamete is motile while the massive female gamete is immotile is called: 

A) Isogamy 

B) Anisogamy 

C) Oogamy 

D) Karyogamy 

Ans. d

Q.5- Root-like hyphae of Rhizopus are called: 

A) Stolon 

B) Sporangiophore 

C) Rhizoids 

D) Rhizophores 

Ans. c 

Q.6- Morels and truffles are: 

A) Poisonous 

B) Non-edible 

C) Delicious 

D) None of those 

Ans. c

Q.7- Which of the subsequent lack chlorophyll? 

A) algae 

B) mosses 

C) liverworts 

D) fungi 

Ans. d 

Q.8- Which of the subsequent isn't the asexual method of reproduction in fungi? 

A) fragmentation 

B) budding 

C) spore formation 

D) conjugation 

Ans. d

Q.9- The dome shaped structure formed within the sporangium of Rhizopus is called: 

A) crown 

B) corona 

C) columella 

D) calyptra 

Ans. c

Q.10- Which of the subsequent is edible? 

A) Amanita 

B) Morels 

C) Rhizopus 

D) All of those 

Ans. b 

Q.11- Which of the subsequent causes rusts in cereals? 

A) Rhizopus 

B) Penecillium 

C) Puccinia 

D) Neurospora 

Ans. c

Q.12- Which of the subsequent blood cells is compulsory for blood coagulation? 

a) Platelets 

b) Red Blood Corpuscles 

c) White Blood Corpuscles 

d) Lymphocites

Ans. a 

Q.13- Which was the primary antibiotic ? 

a) Terramycin 

b) Neomycin 

c) Penicillin 

d) Streptomycin 

Ans. c

Q.14- By which the sex of a toddler is decided before birth ? 

a) Sperms of father 

b) Foetus of mother 

c) Both A & B 

d) None of these

Ans. b

Q.15- Which one among the subsequent is found only in women ? 

a) Thyroid 

b) Pituitary 

c) Ovary 

d) Adenoid 

Ans. c 

Q.16- Which one among the subsequent isn't a function of kidney ? 

a) Regulation of blood pH 

b) Removal of metabolic wastes from the body 

c) Production of antibodies 

d) Regulation of osmotic pressures of the blood

Ans. C


Q.17- the amount of bonds in nitrogen molecules 

a) one sigma bond and one pie 

b) one sigma and two pi 

c) three sigma only 

d) two sigma and one pi

Ans. b

Q.18- Which of the subsequent molecules has zero dipole moment? 

a) NH3 

b) CHCl3 

c) H2O 

d) BF3

Ans. d

Q.19- Which of the subsequent involve ionic bonding only? 

a) Li3N 

b) NaCl 

c) NCl3 

d) O2


Q.20- The side ways overlap of two–p orbitals to make a bond is named 

a) sigma bond 

b) pi (sigma) bond 

c) electrovalent bond 

d) covalent bond


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Q.21- Which of the subsequent substances has the smallest amount ionic character in its bond? 

a) CCl4 

b) KCl 

c) BeCl2 

d) MgCl2


Q.22- the sort of bonding in HBr is 

a) ionic 

b) polar covalent 

c) non–polar covalent 

d) coordinate covalent


Q.23- Which of the subsequent molecules features a pyramidal structure? 

a) CH4 

b) NH3 

c) H2O 

d) C2H4


Q.24- During the formation of bond , the P.E. of the system 

a) decreases 

b) increases 

c) doesn't change 

d) none of those 

Ans. a

Q.25- H2O molecule has 

a) no lone pair 

b) one lone pair 

c) two lone pairs 

d) none of these


Q.26- Energy needed to get rid of an electron from its gaseous atom is named 

a) electron affinity 

b) ionization energy 

(c) lattice energy 

d) electronegativity



Q.27- The fluid which is incompressible and non-viscous is called: 

A) Viscous fluid 

B) non-ideal fluid 

C) Ideal fluid 

D) Perfect fluid


Q.28- Drag force is given by: 

A) Stoke’s law 

B) Bernoulli’s equation 

C) Continuity equation 

D) Newton’s law


Q.29- The word FLUID means: 

A) To rise 

B) To fall 

C) To flow 

D) To oppose


Q.30- The vital sign is larger in the: 

A) Legs 

B) Hands 

C) Foot 

D) Necks


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Q.31- The blood pressure of normal healthy person is: 

A) 120 torr 

B) 130 torr 

C) 115 torr 

D) 110 torr 


Q.32- On the typical for normal healthy person blood pressure is: 

A) 120 torr 

B) 110 torr 

C) 100 torr 

D) 75 – 80 torr 


Q.33- The concentration of red blood cells within the blood is nearly: 

A) 40 % 

B) hour 

C) 25 % 

D) 50 %


Q.34- an equivalent poles of a magnet—–each other? 

A) Repel 

B) Attract 

C) Pull 

D) Push 


Q.35- The bodies floating over water are thanks to —-law? 

A) Mosel‘s 

B) Pascal‘s 

C) Newton‘s 

D) Archimedes 


Q.36- Refractive telescope consists of——-lenses? 

A) Concave lense 

B) Convex lense 

C) Double concave lense 

D) Double convex lense



Q.37- The book is______the mug and pen. 

A) In 

B) Among 

C) Between 

D) Of 


Q.38- She is jealous _______ my friend? 

A) From 

B) With 

C) Of 

D) By 


Q.39- We congratulate you furthermore may your achievement


B) to 

C) on 

D) at 


Q.40- he's fond cutaway . 

A) to 

B) of 

C) with 

D) on 


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Q.41- Mother was aware of her children. 

A) at 

B) of 

C) over 

D) on 


Q.42- The synonym of “Perpetual” is ________? 

A) Garrulous 

B) Sneak

C) Everlasting

D) Liberal 


Q.43- Synonym of “sundry” is a little more . 

A) aged 

B) supply 

C) various

D) tremendous


Q.44- Synonym of “fastidious” is _________? 

A) slow 

B) precise

C) squeamish

D) hungry 


Q.45- Synonym of “AMNESTY” is________? 

A) Assistance 

B) Security 

C) Judicial 

D) Pardon 


Q.46- Antonym of WEAN is _____________? 

A) Attach 

B) Detach

C) Discourage

D) Halt 


Q.47- Antonym of PHILISTINE is _____________? 

A) Smutty

B) Uncultured

C) Uncultured

D) Cultured 


Q.48- The antonym of Mammoth is___________? 

A) Big 

B) Giant 

C) Small 

D) Low 


Q.49- Antonym of DWARF is _____________? 

A) Giant 

B) Tiny 

C) Huge 

D) Enormous 


Q.50- Antonym of ” Astute ” is _____________? 

A) Stupid 

B) Discerning 

C) Canny

D) Whirlwind 


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