AMC Academic test preparation 2021, Test-5 | AMC written Test Preparation

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Q.1- Which of the following is caused by bacteria? 

 A) Tetanus 

B) Measles 

C) Malaria 

D) Ringworm 


Ans. a 

 Q.2- Food can be preserved when pH of the medium is: 


b) basic 

c) neutral 

d) none of these 

 Ans. a 

Q.3- They play a role in the making of dairy products; 

 a) Viruses 

b) Bacteria 

c) Algae 

d) Plasmodium 

 Ans. b

Q.4- Common cold is caused by: 

a) Bacteria 

b) Viruses 

c) Fungi Plasmodium 

d) None of these

 Ans. b

Q.5- In blue-green algae nitrogen fixation occurs in specialized cells called: 

A) Harmogonia 

B) Akinetes 

C) Heterocysts 

D) Zygospores 

 Ans. c

Q.6- A virus that can reproduce without killing its host is called: 

 A) lytic virus 

B) retroactive virus 

C) temprate virus 

D) virion 

 Ans. c

Q.7- Which of the following is an example of a viral disease: 

 A) Tuberculosis 


C) Anthrax 

D) Tetanus 

 Ans. b

Q.8- Which of the following is a viral disease? 

 A) Malaria 

B) Crown gall 

C) Mumps 

D) Pneumonia

   Ans. c 

 Q.9- Which of the following diseases of plants is caused by bacterial? 

 A) Rust 

B) Crowngall 

C) Smut 

D) Powdery mildew 

 Ans. b 

 Q.10- Which of the following is caused by bacteria? 

 A) chicken pox 

B) leprosy 

C) ring worm 


 Ans. b 

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 Q.11- Which of the following blood groups may be present in the children of a couple having blood groups A and B respectively? 

a) A and B only 

b) A B and AB 

c) A B AB and O 

d) A B only 

Ans. c 

Q.12- Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus? 

a) Poliomyelitis 

b) Malaria 

c) Whooping cough 

d) Ringworm 

Ans. a 

Q.13- Which of the following is known as Vitamin B1? 

a) Retinol 

 b) Thiamin 

 c) Riboflavin 

 d) Ascorbic Acid

Ans. b 

 Q.14- Which of the following is true ? 

A) DNA is the genetic material in most of the organism 

B) RNA is the genetic material in most viruses and bacteria 

C) DNA is the genetic material in all the viruses 

D) RNA is the genetic material in all the viruses 

Ans. a 

Q.15- Pathogenic bacteria secrete 

 a) Antigens 

b) Antibodies 

 c) Hormones 

 d) Interferon’s

Ans. a 

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Q.16- Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are subjected to strong electric field is called; 

 a) Zeeman effect 

 b) Stark effect 

 c) Photoelectric effect 

 d) Compton effect

Ans. b

Q.17- Orbitals having same energy are called 

 a) hybrid orbitals 

 b) valence orbitals 

 c) degenerate orbitals 

 d) d–orbitals

Ans. c

Q.18- The e/m value for the positive rays is maximum for 

 a) hydrogen 

 b) helium 

 c) nitrogen 

 d) oxygen 

Ans. a

Q.19- Neutron was discovered by Chadwick in 

 a) 1935 

 b) 1930 

 c) 1932 

 d) 1934

Ans. c

Q.20- Mass of electron is 

 a) 9.1 x 10–31 kg 

 b) 9.109 x 10–32 gm 

 c) 8.1 x 10–31 g 

 d) 9.1 x 10–31 mg

Ans. a

Q.21- Which one of the following is a state function; 

A) pressure 

B) temperature 

C) enthalpy 

D) all of the above 

 Ans. D

Q.22- When enthalpy of reactants is higher than product then reaction will be 

A) endothermic 

B) spontaneous 

C) non-spontaneous 

D) exothermic 

 Ans. D

Q.23- Enthalpy of a reaction can be measured by; 

A) glass calorimeter 

B) manometer 

C) Barometer 

D) thermometer 

 Ans. A

Q.24- Enthalpy of combustion for food fuel and other compounds can be measured accurately by 

A) glass calorimeter 

B) bomb calorimeter 

C) thermometer 

D) manometer 

 Ans. B

Q.25- Most of thermodynamic parameters are 

A) system 

B) surrounding 

C) phase 

D) state functions 

 Ans. D

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Q.26- The rate of change of angular velocity is called: 

 A) Angular Velocity 

B) Angular acceleration 

C) Angular displacement 

D) Angular speed

Ans. b

Q.27- The unit of rotational K.E is: 

 A) rad/sec 

B) Js 

C) J 

D) Kgm 2

Ans. c

Q.28- The weight of the body at the centre of Earth is: 

 A) Maximum 

B) Minimum 

C) Zero 

D) Infinite

Ans. c

Q.29- A man in elevator descending with an acceleration will conclude that his weight has: 

 A) Increased 

B) Decreased 

C) Remained constant 

D) Reduced to zero

Ans. b

Q.30- The unit of angular velocity in SI unit is: 

 A) Radian s -1 

B) Meter s -1 

C) Degree -1 

D) Revolution s -1

Ans. a

Q.31- Beta rays consists on ———? 

A) Beta rays 

B) Negatively charged in vacuum 

C) Positively charged in vacuum 

D) Gamma rays

Ans. b

Q.32- The ratio of output and input is called——–? 

A) Efficiency 

B) Power 

C) Velocity 

D) Mechanical advantage 

Ans. a

Q.33- A body moving in constant acceleration ———? 

A) Overs equal distance in equal intervals of time 

B) Change in velocity in length 

C) Remains in constant speed 

D) Increase in instantaneous velocity 

Ans. a

Q.34- If we do below the center of gravity of body then it is— equilibrium? 

A) Neutral 

B) Temporary 

C) Stable 

D) Unstable

Ans. c

Q.35- In parallel circuit resistances——–? 

A) Equal to sum of current 

B) Equal to sum of resistance 

C) Equal to sum of voltage 

D) Less than resistance

Ans. b


Q.36- He is fully contented _____ his life; 

A) of 

B) with 

C) for 

D) in 

Ans. B

Q.37- Aqsa is travelling __________ the school. 

A) off 

B) to 

C) towards 

D) through 

Ans. C

Q.38- You can’t always pass ______ appearance. 

A) Down 

B) By 

C) Into 

D) Of 

Ans. B

Q.39- As ________ me; I will be happy to lend a hand?

A) of 

B) in 

C) about 

D) for 

Ans. D

Q.40- We arrived ____________ the station an hour late?

A) of 

B) in 

C) about 

D) at

Ans. D

Q.41- Synonym of Accost? 

A) Solicit 

B) Confront 

C) Both a&b 

D) Scorn 

Ans. C

Q.42- Synonymous of ‘Flank’ is ____________?

A) Side of a person right or left

B) In an open, honest, and direct 

C) Hidden 

D) Far away 

Ans. A

Q.43- Synonym of Dearth is _____________? 

A) Necessity 

B) Luck 

C) Lack

D) Abundance

Ans. C

Q.44- Synonym of “YOB” is__________? 

A) Annoyed 

B) Intelligent 

C) Humble

D) Aggressive 

Ans. D

Q.45- Synonym of Gauche is ________? 

A) Awkward 

B) Elegant

C) Sophisticated

D) Decent 

Ans. A

Q.46- Which one of the following is antonym of Apocryphal while others are synonyms?

A) Genuine 

B) Mythical 

C) Obscure 

 D) Unsubstantiated 

 Ans. A

Q.47-What’s the antonym of Amicable? 

A) Friendly 

B) Hostile 

C) Haughty 

D) Arrogant 

Ans. B

Q.48- Antonym of RECONDITE is_____________? 

A) Hermetic 

B) Manifest 

C) Pedantic 

D) Occult 

Ans. B

Q.49- Antonym of WEAN is _____________? 

A) Attach 

B) Detach

C) Discourage

D) Halt 

Ans. A

Q.50- Antonym of PHILISTINE is _____________? 

A) Smutty

B) Uncultured

C) Uncultured

D) Cultured 

Ans. D

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