AFNS Academic test preparation 2021, Test-4

 AFNS Academic test preparation



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Q.1- During what phase of meiosis the nuclear envelop breaks down? 

 A) prophase I 

B) metaphase 

C) anaphase I 

D) telophase I 

 Ans. b

Q.2- At what phase of meiosis are homologous chromosomes separated? 

 A) Prophase I 

B) Anaphase I 

C) Prophase II 

D) Anaphase II 

 Ans. b 

 Q.3- All the somatic cells of a diploid organism originate from a single cell called 

 A) gamete 

B) autosome 

C) spore 

D) zygote 

 Ans. d

Q.4- In plants, meiosis occurs during the formation of: 

 A) gametes 

B) seeds 

C) spores 

D) zygote 

 Ans. c

Q.5- During mitosis the process of cytoplasmic division is called 

 A) Cytomeiosis 

B) Cytoplasmosis 

C) Cytokinesis 

D) Cytomitosis 

 Ans. c 

 Q.6- DNA replication occurs in which phase of the cell cycle? 

 A) prophase 

B) interphase 

C) metaphase 

D) Telophase 

 Ans. b 

 Q.7- Which of the following is part of mitosis in cells of seed plants? 

 A) Centrioles 

B) Asters 

C) Spindles 

D) Cleavage furrows 

 Ans. c

Q.8- DNA and histones together form a structure called 

A) Centromeres 

B) Nucleosome 

C) Nucleoplasm 

D) Centriole 

 Ans. b 

 Q.9- AIDS virus has : 

a) single-stranded RNA 

b) double-stranded RNA 

c) single-stranded DNA 

d) double stranded DNA 

 Ans. A

Q.10- Typhoid fever is caused by 

a) virus 

b) bacteria 

c) fungus 

d) allergy 

Ans. B 

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Q.11- Which of the following blood group is a universal recipient? 

a) A 

 b) B 

c) AB 

d) O 

Ans. C 

Q.12- Rod shaped bacteria is called 

 a) Bacillus 

b) Spirillum 

c) Coccus 

d) Coma 

Ans. A 

Q.13- The animal which has become extinct recently in India happens to be 

a) Golden cat 

b) Cheetah 

 c) Wooly wolf 

 d) Rhinoceros 

 Ans. B 

Q.14- All the progeny obtained from a single plant by vegetative propagation are called 

a) Clones 

 b) Pure line 

 c) Indeed line 

 d) Pedigree line 

 Ans. A 

Q.15- What is a Sponge ? 

a) A fungus 

 b) A fossil

 c) A plant 

 d) An animal 

Ans. D


Q.16- Covalent solids are composed of 

a) ions 

 b) different molecules 

c) neutral atoms 

 d) any of the above 

Ans. C

Q.17- Carbon atoms of diamond are 

a) sp hybridized 

 b) sp2 hybridized

c) sp3 hybridized 

 d) unhybridized 

Ans. C

Q.18- Molecular crystals are generally 

a) hard 

 b) soft 

c) unstable 

 d) stable

Ans. B

Q.19- Crystals show variation in physical properties depending upon the direction. The property is called 

a) isomorphism 

 b) polymorphism 

c) anisotropy 

 d) isotropy

Ans. C

Q.20- The amount of heat required to vaporize one mole of a liquid at its boiling point is called 

a) molar heat of vaporization 

b) molar heat of fusion 

c) latent heat of fusion 

d) molar heat of sublimation

Ans. A

Q.21- Two fundamental ways to transfer energy are 

A) pressure and temperature 

B) pressure and volume 

C) heat and work 

D) heat and volume

Ans. C

Q.22- Which of the following processes has always ?H = -ve 

A) formation of compound 

B) combustion 

C) dissolution of ionic compound 

D) dilution of a solution

 Ans. B

Q.23- Enthalpy change can be 

A) calculated by Hess law 

B) can be measured by calorimeter 

C) both a and b 

D) none 

Ans. C

Q.24- If there is interconversion of solid and liquid states then 

A) ?V = 0 

B) ?H= ?E 

C) ?H > ?E 

D) both a & b 

 Ans. B

Q.25- Hess law can be applied to determine 

A) ?Hf 

B) ?Hlatt 

C) ?Hcomb 

D) All of the above 

Ans. D 


Q.26- Energy stored in the spring of watch is called: 

 A) potential energy 

B) kinetic energy 

C) elastic potential energy 

D) electrical energy 

 Ans. c

Q.27- Energy stored in spring is: 

 A) Elastic P.E. 

B) Gravitational P.E. 

C) K.E. 

D) Chemical P.E. 

Ans. a 

Q.28- If the velocity of an object is doubled then its K.E becomes: 

 A) Double 

B) Constant 

C) Four times 

D) Sixteen times

Ans. c

Q.29- Which of the following is non conservative force? 

 A) Electrical Force 

B) Magnetic force 

C) Gravitational force 

D) Frictional force

Ans. d

Q.30- When a meteorite enter into earth’s atmosphere, the energy converts into: 

 A) heat energy 

B) kinetic energy 

C) nuclear energy 

D) mechanic energy

Ans. a

Q.31- Original sources of energy for biomass is: 

 A) Earth 

B) Moon 

C) Sun 

D) Star

Ans. c

Q.32- When tow planets—–then the gravitational attraction becomes greater? 

A) Turn into another galaxy 

B) Move apart 

 C) Collide together 

D) Move closer 

Ans. d

Q.33- Transistor consists on——-junction? 



 C) Rectifier 

D) Both a&b 

Ans. d

Q.34- If a body is dropped from———it meets the ground after 3sec? 

A) 19 

B) 25 

C) 44.1 

D) 100 

Ans. c

Q.35- The work of a body is equal to the product of—–? 

A) Mass and acceleration 

B) Velocity and time 

C) Force and displacement 

D) Mass and velocity

Ans. c


Q.36- The wheels of the truck press __ the road. 

A) on 

B) against 

C) upon 

D) over 

Ans. B

Q.37- I told the tailor to put red buttons _____ the dress he is making for me.

A) in 

B) at 

C) on 

D) none 

Ans. C

Q.38- Head is covered ____ hair. 

A) of 

B) with 

C) at 

D) from 

Ans. B

Q.39- I am used ______ speaking English. 

A) with 

B) of 

C) to

D) Both B & C

Ans. C

Q.40- The Jar was full _______ oil. 

A) with 

B) from 

C) by 

D) of 

Ans. D

Q.41- Synonym of “inculcate” is _________?

A) corroborate

B) avenge 

C) teach 

D) destroy 

Ans. C

Q.42- Synonym of Sumptuous is _____________? 

A) Swampy 

B) Irritable 

C) Meager 

D) Splendid 

Ans. D

Q.43- Synonym of ” Outclass ” is _____________? 

A) Surpass 

B) Defect 

C) Incur 

D) Detest 

Ans. A

Q.44- Word nearest in meaning to Obscene is____________?-(PMS 2018)

A) Dirty 

B) indecent 


D) Both A & B

Ans. D

Q.45- Synonym of Abject is _____________? 

A) Disgusting 

B) Squalid

C) Contemptible

D) All of these

Ans. D

Q.46- Antonym of ” Perspicacious ” is _____________?

A) Sagacious 

B) Discerning 

C) Astute 

D) Dull 

Ans. D

Q.47- Antonym of “Lenient” is _____________? 

A) easy-going

B) longsuffering

C) Strict 

D) Moderate 

Ans. C

Q.48- Antonym of Felicity is _____________? 

A) Sadness 

B) Powerful 

C) Narrow

D) Opaque 

Ans. A

Q.49- Antonym of Accost? 

A) Avoid 

B) Neglect 

C) Scorn

D) All of these

Ans. D

Q.50- Which one of the following is antonym of ” Epitome ” while others are synonyms?

A) antithesis

B) abridgment

C) abstract

D) compendium

Ans. A

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