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Q.1- Which of the following is the asexual method of reproduction in Protozoa? 

A) Isogamy 

B) An-isogamy 

C) Oogamy 

D) Budding 

 Ans. d

Q.2- Which of these is a fresh water sponge? 

 a) Sycon 

b) Leucosolenia 

c) Spongilla

d) Lucamia 

Ans. c

Q.3- The sac-like internal digestive cavity of coelenterates is called: 

 a) enteron 

b) nematocytes 

c) exeron 

d) stomach 

 Ans. a

Q.4- Which of the following produce hard exoskeletion? 

 a) jelly fish 

b) Hydra 

c) Obelia 

d) Corals 

 Ans. D

Q.5- Which of these develops from the mesoderm? 

 a) circulatory system 

b) integumentary system 

c) nervous system 

d) digestive system 

 Ans. A

 Q.6- Organisms possessing true body cavity are called: 

 a) acoelomata 

b) coelomata 

c) monoblastic 

d) diplobalstic 

 Ans. B

Q.7- Which of these are acoelomatic triploblastic animals? 

 a) corals 

b) porifera 

c) platyhelminthes 

d) protozoans 

 Ans. C

Q.8- Which of the following has a body cavity called pseudocoelom? 

 a) platyhelminthes 

b) coelenterate 

c) protozoa 

d) nematode 

 Ans. D

Q.9- Which of the following causes sleeping sickness? 

 a) vorticella 

b) Ascaris 

c) Trypanosome 

d) Taenia 

 Ans. C

 Q.10- Which of the following has segmented body? 

 a) coelenterate 

b) protozoa 

c) platyhelminthes 

d) annelida 

 Ans. D

 Q.11- How many bones are there in the human body? 

a) 187 

b) 287 

c) 206 

d) 306 

Ans. c

Q.12- The vitamin that helps to prevent infections in the human body is 

a) vitamin A 

 b) vitamin B 

 c) vitamin C 

 d) vitamin D

Ans. c 

 Q.13- The normal RBC count in adult male is 

a) 5 million 

 b) 0 million 

 c) 5 million 

 d) 0 million

Ans. b

Q.14- Tetanus is caused by 

a) Clostridium 

 b) Virus 

c) Bacteriophage 

 d) Salmonella

Ans. a

Q.15- Blood pressure is controlled by 

a) Adrenal gland 

b) Thyroid gland 

c) Thymus 

d) Corpus Luteum

Ans. A


Q.16- Electrolysis is the process in which a chemical reaction takes place at the expense of 

 a) chemical energy 

b) electrical energy 

 c) heat energy 

 d) none of these

Ans. b

Q.17- An electrochemical cell is based upon 

 a) acid–base reaction 

b) redox reaction 

 c) nuclear reaction 

 d) none of the above

Ans. b

Q.18- Which one of the following will be good conductor of electricity

a) pure distilled water 

b) molten NaCl 

 c) dilute solution of glucose 

 d) chloroform

Ans. b

Q.19- During a redox reaction, an oxidizing agent 

 a) gains electrons 

 b) is oxidized 

 c) loses electrons 

 d) is hydrolysed

Ans. a 

Q.20- In a salt bridge KCl is used because 

 a) it is an electrolyte 

 b) K+ and Cl– transfer easily 

 c) agar–agar forms a good jelly with it 

 d) KCl is also present in the calomel electrode

Ans. B

Q.21- Good conductor of electricity and heat is;

a) Anhracite coke

b) Diamond

c) Graphite

d) Charcoal

Ans. C

Q.22- Organic compound must contain an element;

a) Oxygen

b) Carbon

c) Hydrogen

d) Nitrogen

Ans. B

Q.23- Valency of Carbon is;

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Ans. d

Q.24- Criteria for purity of organic solid is;

a) Boiling point

b) Melting point

c) Specific gravity

d) None of these 

Ans. b

Q.25- Number of pi bonds in ethyne is;

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Ans. b

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Q.26- For higher magnification, which instrument should be used: 

 A) Convex lens 

B) Simple microscope 

C) Compound microscope 

D) All of the above

Ans. c

Q.27- The final image formed by a simple microscope: 

 A) Virtual and inverted 

B) Virtual and erected 

C) Real and erected 

D) Real and inverted

Ans. a

Q.28- A spectrometer is used to study: 

 A) Collimator 

B) Telescope 

C) Refractive index 

D) Spectrum

Ans. d

Q.29- The detector in photo phone is made up of: 

 A) Cadmium 

B) Germanium 

C) Selenium 

D) Silicon 

Ans. d

Q.30- The first person who attempted to measure the speed of light was: 

 A) Michelson 

B) Hugyen 

C) Galilleo 

D) Newton

Ans. C

Q.31- Laser is a ——– part of physics? 

a) Atomic 

b) None 

c) Chemical 

d) Mathematical

Ans. A

Q.32- The motion which is repeated in periods is called —-? 

a) Trough 

b) Crest 

c) Periodic 

d) Longitudinal 

Ans. c

Q.33- Density of water is max at——? 

a) 100 

b) 4 

c) Absolute zero 

d) 0 

Ans. b

Q.34- According to newton‘s second law—–and force is directly proportional? 

a) Distance 

b) Acceleration 

c) Velocity

d) Speed 

Ans. b

Q.35- Turning effect of a body is called———-? 

a) Speed 

b) Force 

c) Velocitya 

d) Torque

Ans. D


Q.36- You should not jest ______ his poverty. 

A) on 

B) with 

C) at 

D) of 

Ans. C

Q.37- My friend amused us ________ funny jokes. 

A) from 

B) at 

C) on 

D) with 

Ans. D

Q.38- He persisted _____ silly ideas. 

A) on 

B) to 

C) in 

D) none 

Ans. C

Q.39- Nelson Mandela was deprived ______ his freedom.

A) from 

B) in 

C) with 

D) of 

Ans. D

Q.40- I was astonished _____ his failure. 

A) In 

B) At 

C) On 

D) For 

Ans. B

Q.41- Synonym of “prevalent” is _________. 

A) wind 

B) servile

C) widespread

D) rare 

Ans. C

Q.42- Synonym of “sacrosanct” is __________. 

A) prayer 

B) sanctuary 

C) pious 

D) sacred 

Ans. D

Q.43- Synonym of “forthwith” is _________? 

A) by chance

B) straightforward

C) with excess vigour

D) immediately

Ans. D

Q.44- Synonym of “temper” is _________? 

A) trial 

B) mood

C) synchronization

D) extremity 

Ans. B

Q.45- Synonym of “bolster” is _________? 

A) to brag 

B) rest on 

C) support 

D) straddle 

Ans. C

Q.46- Antonym of ADAPT is _____________? 

A) Applaud 

B) Unfit 

C) Approve

D) None of these 

Ans. B

Q.47- Antonym of Abstemious?

A) Gluttonous

B) Greedy 

C) Hungry

D) All of these 

Ans. D

Q.48- Which one of the following is antonym of ” Perpetrator ” while others are synonyms?

A) Culprit 

B) felon 

C) Police

D) miscreant 

Ans. C

Q.49- Antonym of ”Malaise” is ___________?

A) Despondancy

B) Dejection

C) Restless 

D) Comfort 

Ans. D

Q.50- Antonym of ” Sloppy ” is _____________? 

A) Careful 

B) Slapdash

C) Haphazard

D) Slovenly 

Ans. A

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