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Q.1- The characters of vertebrates are: 

a) presence of vertebral column 

b) internal living skiliton 

c) three main body parts 

d) all of these 

 Ans. d 

Q.2- Vertebrates are: 

a) bilaterally symmetrical

b) radially symmetrical 

c) vertically symmetrical 

d) asymmetrical 

 Ans. a

Q.3- Sharks belong to 

 a) cartilaginous fishes 

b) bony fishes 

c) jawless fishes 

d) none of these 

 Ans. a

Q.4- Which of the following is the character of amphibians? 

 a) living both in water and on land 

b) cold blooded 

c) least numerous of the terrestrial vertebrates 

d) all of these 

 Ans. d

Q.5- Salamander is an example of 

 a) bony fishes 

b) jawless fishes 

c) amphibians 

d) cartilaginous fishes

Ans. C

Q.6- Reptiles are 

 a) warm blooded 

b) cold blooded 

c) internal fertilization with a scaly skin 

d) None of these

 Ans. b 

 Q.7- Which of the following is the character of reptiles? 

 a) dipods 

b) tetrapods 

c) pentapods 

d) polypods 

 Ans. b 

 Q.8- The concentration of which of the following decreases in anemia ? 

a) Hemoglobin 

 b) Collagen 

c) Hyoglobin 

d) Myosin 

Ans. a 

Q.9- Which of the following diseases usually spreads through air ? 

a) Plague 

 b) Typhoid 

 c) Tuberculosis 

 d) Cholera

Ans. c

Q.10- Small Pox is caused by 

a) Rubeola Virus 

 b) Variola Virus 

c) Varicella 

d) Myxovirus 

Ans. b

Q.11- Which one of the following is also called the power plants of the cell? 

a) Golgi body 

b) Mitochondrion

c) Ribosome 

d) Lysosome

Ans. b

Q.12- What happens to a person who receives the wrong type of blood? 

a) All the arteries constrict 

b) All the arteries dialates 

c) The RBCs agglutinate 

d) The spleen and lymphnodes deteriorate 

Ans. c 

Q.13- Ringworm is a disease. 

a) Bacterial 

 b) Protozoan 

 c) Viral 

 d) Fungal 

Ans. d 

Q.14- Pituitary gland is situated In 

a) the base of the heart 

b) the base of the brain 

c) the neck 

d) the abdomen

Ans. b

Q.15- The brain of human adult weighs about 

a) 1200- 1300 gm 

 b) 1600 - 2000 gm 

 c) 500 -800 gm 

d) 100-200 gm

Ans. A


Q.16- In zero order reaction, the rate is independent of 

 a) temperature of reaction 

 b) concentration of reactants 

 c) concentration of products 

 d) none of above

Ans. b

Q.17- The rate of reaction 

 a) increases as the reaction proceeds 

 b) decreases as the reaction proceeds 

 c) remains the same as the reaction proceeds 

 d) may decrease or increase as the reaction proceeds

Ans. b

Q.18- The unit of reaction is 

 a) mole/dm3 

 b) mole/pound 

 c) mole/dm3 sec 

 d) mole/cm3

Ans. c

Q.19- The rate of reaction between two specific time intervals is called 

 a) instantaneous rate 

 b) average rate 

 c) specific rate 

 d) ordinary rate

Ans. b

Q.20- The average rate and instantaneous rate of a reaction are equal 

 a) at the start 

 b) at the end 

 c) in the middle 

 d) when two rate have time interval equal to zero

Ans. D

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Q.21- Instantaneous rate of a chemical reaction is 

a) rate of reaction in the beginning 

b) rate of reaction at the end 

c) rate of reaction at a given instant 

d) rate of reaction b/w two specific time intervals

Ans. c

Q.22- At the beginning the decrease in the conc. of reactants is 

a) slow 

b) moderate 

c) rapid 

d) none of above

Ans. c

Q.23- Photochemical reactions usually have order 

a) one 

b) zero 

c) two 

d) three

Ans. b

Q.24- Half life of U is 

a) 7.1 x 108 years 

b) 6.1 x 108 years 

c) 8.1 x 107 years 

d) 7.1 x 1010 years

Ans. a

Q.25- The decomposition of ozone has order 

a) first 

b) negative 

c) second 

d) pseudo first order

Ans. b

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Q.26- The ideal gas law is: 

 A) PV = NVK 

B) P = NKT 

C) PV = nRT 

D) P = nRT 

Ans. c

Q.27- For an ideal gas, the internal energy is directly proportional to: 

 A) Pressure 

B) Volume 

C) Mass 

D) Temperature

Ans. d

Q.28- During adiabatic process, which factor remains constant? 

 A) Entropy 

B) Pressure 

C) Volume 

D) Temperature

Ans. a

Q.29- A gas which strictly obeys the gas law under all conditions of temperature and pressure is called: 

 A) Real gas 

B) Ideal gas 

C) Permanent gas 

D) Inert gas

Ans. b

Q.30- The efficiency of a carnot engine is: 

 A) Infinite 

B) Zero 

C) Less than one 

D) Greater than one

Ans. C

Q.31- In Sl system the unit of power is —-? 

A) Newton‘s 


C) Farad 

D) Dynes

Ans. B

Q.32- The unit of work is ——-? 

a) Pascal‘s 

b) Farad 

c) Joule 

d) Watt

Ans. C

Q.33- Torque =—————-? 

a) Fa 

b) Ma 

c) Fm 

d) Fd

Ans. D

Q.34- The unit of pressure is called———? 

a) NM3 

b) A 

c) FD 

d) NM

Ans. A

Q.35- The unit of torque is ——-? 

a) FD 

b) NM2 

c) NM 

d) MA

Ans. C


Q.36- the night mysterious creatures prowl. 

A) in 

B) at 

C) on 

D) along 

Ans. A

Q.37- He has been swimming _____ one hour. 

A) from 

B) with 

C) Since 

D) For 

Ans. D

Q.38- Bananas are selling _______ Rs250 per dozen.

A) on 

B) over 

C) with 

D) at 

Ans. D

Q.39- We are accountable _________God for our actions.

A) with 

B) on 

C) in 

D) to 

Ans. D

Q.40- I don’t want to argue ______you? 

A) at 

B) to 

C) from 

D) with 

Ans. D

Q.41- Synonym of “immunize” is _________?

A) protect against disease

B) benumb

C) render mute

D) sterilize 

Ans. A

Q.42- Synonym of “stodgy” is _________? 

A) sturdy 

B) dull 

C) blunt 

D) obstinate 

Ans. B

Q.43- Synonym of “chasten” is _________? 

A) discipline 

B) start 

C) sanctify 

D) stop 

Ans. A

Q.44- Synonym of “mores” is _________? 

A) morals 

B) customs 

C) taxes 

D) fiscal year 

Ans. B

Q.45- Synonym of “patent” is _________? 

A) insincere 

B) fatherly 

C) morbid 

D) obvious 

Ans. D

Q.46- Antonym of “QUOTIDIAN” is_________?

A) Extraordinary 

B) Certain 

C) Wishful

D) Premature

Ans. A

Q.47- Antonym of “kowtow” is ___________. 

A) snub 

B) pull 

C) fawn 

D) forage 

Ans. A

Q.48- Antonym of “gainsay” is _______. 

A) regret 

B) own 

C) prudent 

D) prude 

Ans. B

Q.49- Antonym of ” Celibate ” is _____________? 

A) Chaste 

B) Ascetic 

C) Genious 

D) Married 

Ans. D

Q.50- Antonym of APATHY is _____________? 

A) Sleep 

B) Conclude 

C) Zeal

D) None of these

Ans. C

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