AMC Academic Test Preparation 2021 | Test-9 | AMC Test preparation

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Q.1- Which of the following belongs to Gymnosperm group: 

A) Cedrus 

B) Wheat 

C) Sugar cane 

D) Tobacco 

 Ans. A

Q.2- The seed of Pinus germinates and forms new: 

 a) Sporophyte 

b) Micro gametophyte 

c) Thallophyte 

d) Mega gametophyte 

 Ans. a

Q.3- Which of the following produce flowers? 

 a) Bryophytes 

b) Pterdophytes 

c) Gymnosperms 

d) Angiosperms 

Ans. d

Q.4- When calyx and corolla are not distinguishable, they are collectively called: 

 a) Panicle 

b) Pedicel 

c) Protoplast 

d) Perianth 

 Ans. d

Q.5- In wind pollinated flowers the petals are: 

 A) Large 

b) Coloured 

c) Scented 

d) Small and dry 

 Ans. d

Q.6- Triticum aestivum belongs to the family: 

 a) Solanaceae 

b) Poaceae (Graminae) 

c) Brassicaceae 

d) Leguminosae 

 Ans. b

Q.7- The protective covering (integument) of the ovule is transformed into: 

 a) Embryo 

b) Cotyledon 

c) Hypocotyl 

d) Seed coat (testa) 

 Ans. d

Q.8- Eyes of potato are useful for 

a) Nutrition 

b) reproduction 

c) Reproduction 

d) Vegetative propagation

Ans. d

Q.9- Which of the following is not a component of chlorophyll ? 

a) Hydrogen 

 b) Magnesium 

 c) Carbon 

 d) Calcium

Ans. d

Q.10- The causative organism of dengue fever is 

a) Fungus 

b) Bacteria 

c) Protozoa

d) Virus

Ans. d

Q.11- Thalassemia is a hereditary disease. It affects 

a) Blood 

b) Spleen 

c) Lungs 

d) Heart

Ans. a

Q.12- Which of the following is considered to be the best cholesterol ? 

 a) VLDL 

b) LDL 

c) HDL 

d) Triglycerides

Ans. c

Q.13- Which of the following is correlated with blood pressure ? 

a) Liver 

 b) Testis 

 c) Pancreas 

 d) Adrenal

Ans. d

Q.14- Which from the following diseases usually spreads through milk? ” 

a) Tuberculosis 

b) Jaundice 

c) Diphtheria 

d) Cholera

Ans. a

Q.15- Which of the following structures present in mammalian skin directly helps in keeping the body warm? 

a) Pigmented cells 

b) Sweat glands 

c) Lymph vessels 

d) Blood capillaries

Ans. C


Q.16- Molarity of pure water is 

 a) 1 

 b) 18 

 c) 55.5 

 d) 6

Ans. c

Q.17- Which of the following solutions has the highest boiling point? 

 a) 5.85% solution of NaCl 

 b) 18.0% solution of glucose 

 c) 6.0% solution of urea 

 d) all have same boiling point

Ans. d

Q.18- Salt of a weak acid with strong base when dissolved in water gives 

 a) acidic solution 

 b) basic solution 

 c) neutral solution 

 d) none

Ans. b

Q.19- The term cryoscopy is used 

 a) depression of freezing point 

 b) elevation in boiling point 

 c) lowering of vapour pressure 

 d) osmotic pressure

Ans. a

Q.20- When NaCl is dissolved in water 

 a) melting point decrease 

 b) boiling point decrease 

 c) both melting and boiling point decrease 

 d) none of above

Ans. a 

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Q.21- The solution which distils without change in composition is called 

 (a) unsaturated solution 

 b) saturated solution 

 c) zeotropic mixture 

 d) azeotropic mixture

Ans. D

Q.22- Main source of aromatic compound is;

a) Petroleum 

b) Coal-tar

c) Living organisms

d) Dead Marine Animals

Ans. B

Q.23- Benzene does not undergo;

a) Addition

b) Substitution

c) Polymerization

d) Aromatization

Ans. c

Q.24- Cyclic structure of benzene was proposed by;

a) Dewar

b) Faraday

c) Down

d) Kekule

Ans. d

Q.25- Benzene is stable than ethene because it has;

a) More pi-bonds

b) Localized pi-electrons

c) Delocalized pi-electrons

d) More sigma-bonds

Ans. c


Q.26- Light from the sun reaches the earth in the form of: 

 A) Plane waveform 

B) Circular waveform 

C) Cylindrical waveform 

D) All of the above

Ans. a 

Q.27- An oil film on water surface shows colour due to: 

 A) Diffraction 

B) Interference 

C) Polarization 

D) Dispersion 

Ans. b

Q.28- The blue colour of sky is due to: 

 A) Diffraction 

B) Reflection 

C) Polarization 

D) Scattering 

Ans. d

Q.29- Sodium chloride in a flame gives: 

 A) Green light 

B) Blue light 

C) White light 

D) Yellow light

Ans. d

Q.30- Newton’s rings are formed as a result of: 

 A) Interference 

B) Dispersion 

C) Diffraction 

D) Polarization

Ans. A

Q.31- Velocity is—–unit? 

a) Fundamental 

b) Vector 

c) Derived 

d) Basic 

Ans. c

Q.32- P type materials consists of——-? 

a) Protons 

b) Electrons 

c) Positrons 

d) Holes 

Ans. d

Q.33- The magnetic lines are greater on —–side? 

a) None 

b) Outer 

c) Inward 

d) Surface 

Ans. b

Q.34- The force exerted on a unit area is called—–? 

a) Mass 

b) Pressure 

c) Strain 

d) Stress 

Ans. d

Q.35- According to which law liquid exerts equal in all sides? 

a) Newton‘s law 

b) Jeans law 

c) Oersted law 

d) Pascal’s law

Ans. D

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Q.36- I don’t want to argue ______you? 

A) at 

B) to 

C) from 

D) with 

Ans. D

Q.37- Asim has been fully cured _______ the chronic pain in his legs.

A) from 

B)  by 

C) of 

D) with 

Ans. C

Q.38- It differs ______________ their last suggestion?

A) about 

B) in 

C) from 

D) of 

Ans. C

Q.39- He was embarrassed because everybody was laughing __________ him?

A) of 

B) in 

C) about 

D) at 

Ans. D

Q.40- I prefer tea_______coffee. 

A) to 

B) than 

C) then 

D) of 

Ans. A

Q.41- Synonym of Mull is __________ ? 

A) Help

B) Discourage

C) Think 

D) Provoke 

Ans. C

Q.42- Synonym of “Retaliation” is__________?

A) Reconciliation

B) Remission 

C) Revenge

D) Condonation

Ans. C

Q.43- What is the Synonym of of “Hue”? 

A) Colour 

B) Dew 

C) Still 

D) Pursuit 

Ans. A

Q.44- Synonym of BRIEF is _____________? 

A) Small 

B) Short 

C) Little 

D) Limited 

Ans. B

Q.45- Synonym of “prevalent” is _________. 

A) wind 

B) servile

C) widespread

D) rare 

Ans. C

Q.46- Antonym of MITE is _____________? 

A) Bit 

B) Bug 

C) Insect 

D) Whole 

Ans. D

Q.47- Antonym of SENILE is _____________? 

A) Doting 

B) Anile 

C) Alert 

D) Ancient 

Ans. C

Q.48- Antonym of Facetious is _____________? 

A) Teasing 

B) Serious

C) Tongue-incheck

D) Copy 

Ans. B

Q.49- Antonym of ” Dismantle ” is _____________? 

A) Vie 

B) Build 

C) Outclass 

D) Level 

Ans. B

Q.50- Antonym of Abjure? 

A) Espouse 

B) Support 

C) Both a&b 

D) Disavow 

Ans. C

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