AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021 | Test-6 | AFNS Complete Preparation

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Q.1- The fusion of two motile dissimilar gametes is called: 

 A) Isogamy 

B) Anisogamy 

C) Oogamy 

D) somatogamy 

Ans. B

 Q.2- Which of the following statement is true of Fungi Imperfecti? 

 A) produce gametes 

B) reproduce sexually 

C) have sexual phase 

D) lack sexual phase 


Ans. D

 Q.3- Which of the following is the method of asexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas? 

 A) budding 

B) fragmentation 

C) Akinetes formation 

D) Zoospore formation 

 Ans. D

Q.4- Athletes foot disease in man caused by: 

 A) Epidermophyton 

 B) Penecillium 

C) Rhizopus 

D) Agaricus 

 Ans. A

 Q.5- Which of the following causes smut in wheat? 

 A) Phytophthora 

B) Ustilago 

C) Agaricus 

D) Aspergillus 

 Ans. B

Q.6- Which of the following has been used extensively in understanding the principles of inheritance? 

 A) Rhizopus 

B) Agaricus 

C) Neurospora 

 D) Penecillium 

 Ans. C

Q.7- Which of the following is adaptation of fungi for terrestrial mode of life? 

 A) production of zoospores 

B) heterotrophic mode of nutrition

C) presence of cell wall 

D) absence of flagellated spores 

 Ans. D

 Q.8- Which of the following form a network over the surface of the food? 

 A) stolon 

B) rhizoids 

C) Sporangiophores 

D) All of these 

 Ans. A

 Q.9- Which of the following is common method of asexual reproduction in yeasts? 

 A) budding 

B) binary fission 

C) multiple fission 

D) spore formation 

 Ans. A

 Q.10- Root-like hyphae of Rhizopus are called: 

 A) Stolon

 B) Sporangiophore 

C) Rhizoids 

D) Rhizophores 

 Ans. C

Q.11- Which of the following hormone is released in excess quantity during excitement ? 

a) Cortisone 

 b) Serotonin 

 c) Adrenaline 

 d) Estrogen

Ans. d

Q.12- What are the blood corpuscles that help to build up resistance against diseases ? 

a) Leucocytes 

b) Monocytes 

c) Neutrophils

d) Lymphoctyes

Ans. a

Q.13- What is the chromosome number in a human ovum ? 

a) 24 

b) 46 

c) 48 

d) None of these

Ans. b

Q.14- Which organ of the body never(rest 

a) Eyes 

b) Pancreas 

c) Liver 

d) Heart 

 Ans. d

Q.15- The presence of what distinguishes a plant cell from an animal cell? 

a) Chloroplasts 

b) Cell wall 

 c) Cell membrane 

 d) Nucleus

Ans. A


Q.16- The bond between H–H is 

 a) stronger than the bond between H–Cl 

 b) weaker than the bond between H–Cl 

 c) neither stronger nor weaker than the bond between H–Cl 

 d) none of these

Ans. b

Q.17- Select the largest atom in the following atoms 

 a) O 

 b) S 

 c) Se 

 d) Te

Ans. d

Q.18- Octet rule is not followed in the formation of 

 a) CH4 

 b) NF3 

c) BCl3 

 d) H2O

Ans. c

Q.19- Ionic bonds are 

 a) rigid and directional 

 b) rigid and non–directional 

 c) non rigid non directional 

 d) non–rigid and directional 

Ans. c

Q.20- Which of the following ions is diamagnetic 

 a) O 

 b) O 

 c) O 

 d) N

Ans. c

Q.21- A bond having partial positive and negative charges is 

 a) ionic 

 b) covalent 

 c) polar covalent 

 d) non–polar covalent

Ans. b

Q.22- Which of the following theories gives the idea of delocalization of electrons 

 a) Lewis theory 

 b) VSEPR theory 

 c) valence bond theory 

 d) molecular orbital theory

Ans. d

Q.23- The diamagnetic substances are 

 A) Weakly repelled by a strong magnetic field 

 B) Strongly repelled by a weak magnetic field 

 C) Strongly repelled by a weak magnetic field 

 D) Weakly repelled by a weak magnetic field

Ans. Your task (give answer in comment)

Q.24- Almost all the chromates are 

 A) Blue in colour 

 B) Green in colour 

C) Red in colour 

 D) Yellow in colour

Ans. Your task(give answer in comment) 

Q.25- Diamagnetic compounds are those which have 

 a) Paired electrons 

b) Unpaired electrons 

c) Free electrons 

d) No electrons

Ans. Your task (give Ans in comment section) 

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Q.26- The study of properties of fluids in motion is called: 

 A) Dynamics 

B) Fluid static 

C) Fluid dynamics 

D) None of them 

Ans. c

Q.27- One torr is equal to:

A) 120 Pascals 

B) 100 Pascals 

C) 133.3 Pascals 

D) 80 Pascals

Ans. c

Q.28- Blood pressure is measured by: 

 A) Hydrometer 

B) Barometer 

C) Galvanometer 

D) Sphygmomanomete 

Ans. d

Q.29- Venturimeter is used to measure: 

 A) Speed of fluid 

B) Pressure of fluid 

C) Volume of fluid 

D) Mass of fluid 

Ans. a

Q.30- Which material has maximum viscosity? 

 A) Glycerin 

B) Plasma 

C) Methanol 

D) Water

Ans. a

Q.31- The drag force increase as the speed of the object: 

 A) Increase 

B) Decrease

C) Remain constant 

D) None of them

Ans. a

Q.32- Human blood pressure is measured in: 

 A) Nm -2 

B) mm of Hg 

C) Pascal 

D) cm

Ans. b

Q.33- Bernoulli’s Equation based upon Law of Conservation of: 

 A) Mass 

B) Linear Momentum 

C) Angular Momentum 

D) Energy

Ans. d

Q.34- Laminar flow occurs at: 

 A) High speed 

B) Low speed 

C) Zero speed 

D) Very high speed

Ans. b

Q.35- The equation F=6πηrv is called: 

A) Newton’s law

B) Stoke’s law 

C) Lenz’s law 

D) Faraday’s law

Ans. B


Q.36- He is weak _____ grammar. 

A) at 

B) in 

C) from 

D) with 

Ans. B

Q.37- She suffers ___________ a heart disease? 

A) from 

B) in 

C) about 

D) on 

Ans. A

Q.38- The prisoner was bound _____ the stake. 

A) with 

B) on 

C) to.. 

D) at 

Ans. C

Q.39- Sana was starring _____ me. 

A) to

B) towards 

C) at 

D) on 

Ans. C

Q.40- Amna was engaged _________ Asim. 

A) with 

B) from 

C) to 

D) None 

Ans. C

Q.41- Synonym of ” Blush ” is _____________? 

A) Taunt 

B) Detain 

C) Redden 

D) Inter 

Ans. C

Q.42- Synonym of Obscure is __________? 

A) confusing 

B) Reveal 

C) Clear 

D) Bright 

Ans. A

Q.43- Synonym of WANE _____________? 

A) Employ 

B) Decline 

C) Rise 

D) Revive 

Ans. B

Q.44- Synonym of Scrumptious _____________?

A) Tasty 

B) Old 

C) Filthy 

D) Bumpy 

Ans. A

Q.45- Synonym of “castigate” is __________. 

A) neuter 

B) punish 

C) banish 

D) celebrate 

Ans. B

Q.46- Antonym of PACIFIC is _____________?

A) Aggressive

B) Peaceful 

C) Hawkish

D) Discordant

Ans. A

Q.47- Antonym of WEAN is _____________? 

A) Attach 

B) Detach

C) Discourage

D) Halt 

Ans. A

Q.48- Antonym of REVEALED is __________ ? 

A) Denied 

B) Concealed 

C) Ignored

D) Overlooked

Ans. B

Q.49- Antonym of Friend is _____________? 

A) Enemy 

B) Brother

C) companion

D) None 

Ans. A

Q.50- Antonym of Elastic is _____________? 

A) Yielding 

B) Rigid 

C) Mold-able 

D) Supple 

Ans. B

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  1. Diamagnetic compounds are those which have unpaired electrons

  2. Almost all chromates are yellow in colour


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