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Q.1- Nutrients are returned to the environment by: 

 A) producers 

B) decomposers 

C) herbivores 

D) carnovores 

 Ans. b 

 Q.2- Unicellular blue-green algae reproduce by: 

 A) fragmentation 

B) conjugation 

C) cell division 

D) hormogonia 

 Ans. c

Q.3- The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates by bacteria is called: 

 A) Nitrification 

B) Nitrogen fixation 

C) Denitrification 

D) Bacteria 

 Ans. b

Q.4- Bacterial are haploid organisms because the number of chromosomes in their cells is: 

 A) 2 

B) 4 

C) 8 

D) None of these 

 Ans. D 

 Q.5- Which of the following is a viral disease? 

 A) Malaria 

B) Crown gall 

C) Mumps 

D) Pneumonia 

 Ans. c 

 Q.6- Which of the following character of living things is found in vrisues? 

 A) respiration 

B) genetic recombination 

C) photosynthesis 

D) all of these 

 Ans. b

Q.7- Which of the following is nonliving character of virus? 

 A) genetic recombination 

B) mutation 

C) reproduction 

D) crystallization

   Ans. d 

 Q.8- Polio virus is: 

 A) rod-shaped 

B) tadpole shaped 

C) spiral 

D) spherical 

 Ans. d

Q.9- The elimination of bacteria from a medium is called: 

 A) inoculation 

B) sterilization 

C) staining 

D) fermentation 

 Ans. b 

 Q.10- Pathogenic bacteria secrete 


b) Antibodies 

 c) Hormones 

 d) Interferon’s 

Ans. a 

Q.11- Where is the Botanical Survey of India headquartered ? 


 b) Darjeeling 

 c) Kolkata 

 d) Oottaccamund

Ans. c

Q.12- Who amongst the following was awarded Nobel Prize for path breaking contributions to develop treatment against Parkinson s disease ? 

a) Arvid Carlsson 

b) Walter Kohn 

c) Robert B. Laughlin 

d) Ferid Murad

Ans. a 

Q.13- Which of the following food items is rich in iron ? 

a) Rice 

b) Apple 

c) Pulses

d) Orange

Ans. b

Q.14- Who discovered sex hormones? 

a) Dreser 

b) Eugen Steinach 

c) Edward Calvin 

d) Samuel Cohen

Ans. b 

 Q.15- Fermentation Is a process of decomposition of an organic compound by 

 a) catalysts 

b) enzymes 

 c) carbanions 

 d) free radicals 

Ans. b


Q.16- Quantum number which has symbol “n” is called 

 a) principal quantum 

 b) Azimuthal quantum 

 c) Spin quantum 

 d) Magnetic quantum

Ans. a

Q.17- Planck’s equation is 

 a) E = mc2 

 b) E = hv 

 c) E = hv2 

 d) E = mc

Ans. b

Q.18- Atom bomb is based on the principle of 

 a) nuclear fusion 

 b) nuclear fission 

 c) fusion and fission both 

 d) radioactivity

Ans. b

Q.19- Cathode rays can drive a small paddle wheel which shows that they 

 a) are positively charged 

 b) possess momentum 

 c) do not possess momentum 

 d) none of these

Ans. b

Q.20- An orbital can have maximum electrons 

 a) 2 

 b) 8 

 c) 18 

 d) 6

Ans. a

Q.21- Most of thermodynamic parameters are 

A) system 

B) surrounding 

C) phase 

D) state functions 

 Ans. D 

Q.22- Change in enthalpy (H) of a system can be calculated by following relationship 

A) Delta H=E+PV 

B) ?H=?E-PV 

C) ?H=?E-q 

D) ?H=?E+q 

 Ans. A

Q.23- Which of the following is correct 

A) qp>qv 

B) ?E < ?H 

C) ?E>?H 

D) Both a & b 

Ans. A

Q.24- Two fundamental ways to transfer energy are 

A) pressure and temperature 

B) pressure and volume 

C) heat and work 

D) heat and volume 

 Ans. C

Q.25- Enthalpy change can be 

A) calculated by Hess law 

B) can be measured by calorimeter 

C) both a and b 

D) none 

Ans. C

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Q.26- Which quantity of the following is dimensionless? 

 A) Angular velocity 

B) Angular acceleration 

C) Centripetal force 

D) Angular displacement

Ans. d

Q.27- The direction of angular velocity is determined by: 

 A) Left hand rule 

B) Head to tail rule 

C) Right had rule 

D) General rule

Ans. c

Q.28- The centripetal force is always directed. 

 A) Away from the centre along the radius 

 B) Along the direction of motion 

 C) Opposite to the motion of the body 

 D) Towards the centre along the radius

Ans. d

Q.29- The rate of change of angular momentum of a body is: 

 A) The applied force 

 B) The moment of inertia 

 C) The applied torque 

 D) Impulsive force

Ans. c

Q.30- The unit of rotational K.E is: 

 A) rad/sec 

B) Js 

C) J 

D) Kgm 2

Ans. c

Q.31- In parallel circuit resistances——–? 

A) Equal to sum of current 

B) Equal to sum of resistance 

C) Equal to sum of voltage 

D) Less than resistance 

Ans. b

Q.32- The pitch depends upon——? 

A) Frequency 

B) Echo 

C) Speed 

D) Amplitude 

Ans. a

Q.33- The rainbow is a result of—-? 

A) Diffraction 

B) Interference 

C) Refection 

D) Refraction 

Ans. c

Q.34- The centripetal force of a body in a circle is increased by———? 

A) Decrease in centripetal 

B) Increase in its length 

C) Increase in its mass 

D) Decrease in speed 

Ans. c

Q.35- When a bus suddenly stop due to—-man receives an impulse in forward direction? 

A) Illness 

B) Third law of motion 

C) Law of inertia 

D) Second law of motion 

Ans. c


Q.36- She is jealous _______ my friend? 

A) From 

B) With 

C) Of 

D) By 

Ans. C

Q.37- The book is______the mug and pen. 

A) In 

B) Among 

C) Between 

D) Of 

Ans. C

Q.38- The same considerations are equally applicab le ______ accident claims?

A) with 

B) To 

C) on 

D) of 

Ans. B

Q.39- He was upbraided _______ his slovenly appearance?

A) from 

B) for 

C) with 

D) to 

Ans. B

Q.40- Translate this passage ____ English. 

A) to 

B) in 

C) into 

D) on 

Ans. C 

 Q.41- What is the Synonym of the word “INDUBITABLE”?

A) Certain

B) Undeniable

C) Fraudulent

D) Doubtful 

Ans. B

Q.42- Synonym of “Yokel” is _______? 

A) Crafty 

B) Canny 

C) bumpkin 

D) Crave 

Ans. C

Q.43- Synonym of Obsolescent is _____________? 

A) Useless 

B) Glittering 

C) Fustiness 

D) Modernity 

Ans. C

Q.44- Synonym of ALERT is _____________? 

A) Intelligent 

B) Energetic 

C) Observant 

D) Watchful 

Ans. D

Q.45- Synonym of PRECARIOUS is _____________? 

A) Safe 

B) Brittle 

C) Perilous

D) none of these

Ans. C

Q.46- The antonym of Mammoth is___________?

A) Big 

B) Giant 

C) Small 

D) Low 

Ans. C

Q.47- Antonym of DWARF is _____________? 

A) Giant 

B) Tiny 

C) Huge 

D) Enormous 

Ans. A

Q.48 - Antonym of “matutinal” is ________. 

A) paternal

B) crepuscular

C) maritime 

D) marsupial 

Ans. B

Q.49- Antonym of “impervious” is _______? 

A) kind 

B) disastrous

 C) prone 

D) perfect 

Ans. C

Q.50- Antonym of ” Astute ” is _____________? 

A) Stupid 

B) Discerning 

C) Canny 

D) Whirlwind 

Ans. A 

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