AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021 | Test-7 | AFNS Complete Test Preparation

 AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021


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Q.1- Embryonic development of the bryophyte zygote takes places in the: 

 a) protonema 

b) sporogonium 

 c) Antheridium 

d) archegonium 

 Ans. d

Q.2- A moss sperm moves by means of:

a) pseudopodia 

b) one flagellum 

c) two flagella 

d) none of these 


Ans. c

Q.3- The alternation of generation in moss plant is: 

 a) isomorphic 

b) heterosporic 

c) isogamic 

d) heteromorphic 

 Ans. d

Q.4- Which of the following are produced in archegonia? 

 a) sperms 

b) eggs 

c) ovules 

d) spores 

 Ans. b

Q.5- Which of the following have unicellular reproductive organs? 

a) mosses 

b) algae 

c) liverworts

d) Pteredophytes 

 Ans. b

Q.6- Embryos are present in all: 

 a) Bryophytes 

b) Vascular plants 

c) Algae 

d) Both A & B 

 Ans. d

Q.7- In Moss plant: 

 a) Gametophyte is dependent on Sporophyte 

b) Sporophyte is dependent on gametophyte 

c) Both are independent from each other 

d) Both are dependent on each other for food 

 Ans. b 

 Q.8- Roundworm Is a human parasite found in the 

 a) Small Intestine 

b) Liver 

c) Stomach 

d)Large intestine

Ans. d

Q.9- What is the number of chromosomes in a normal human 

A) 43




Ans. d

Q.10- Out of the following glands which is referred to as the mastergland 


 b) Adrenal gland 

 c) Pituitary 

 d) Pancreas 

 Ans. c 

Q.11- What is an antibiotic? 

 a) A chemical compound produced by a living organism(that inhibits the growth of other organisms 

 b) A compound synthesized by a living organism that inhibits the growth of microbes 

c) A synthetic compound inhibiting the growth of other organisms

d) A synthetic compound inhibiting the growth of bacteria 

 Ans. d

Q.12- Process of digestion is helped by 

a) Enzyme 

b) Hormone 

c) Mineral 

d) Vitamin 

Ans. a 

Q.13- Which is the organ that excretes water fat and various catabolic wastes?

a) Kidney 

 b) Skin 

c) Spleen 

d) Salivary glands

Ans. a

Q.14- The animal which uses sounds as its eyes is 

a) Dog 

b) Cat 

c) Snake 

d) Bat 

Ans. d 

Q.15- Pregnant women usually become deficient in 

a) Sodium and Calcium 

b) Iron and Sodium 

c) Calcium and Iron 

d) Magnesium and Iron 

Ans. C


Q.16- Pumping of water uphill is 

a) spontaneous reaction 

 b) exothermic reaction 

c) non–spontaneous reaction 

d) endothermic

Ans. b

Q.17- Ammonium chloride dissolve in water this process is 

a) endothermic process 

 b) exothermic process 

c) simple hydration 

 d) none of above

Ans. a

Q.18- An exothermic reaction is one in which 

a) enthalpy of reactants and products are same 

b) heat is absorbed by system 

c) enthalpy of products is greater than reactants 

d) enthalpy of reactants is lesser than products

Ans. c

Q.19- The sum of all kinds of a system is ions or molecules of a system is 

a) vibrational energy 

 b) potential energy 

c) kinetic energy 

 d) internal energy

Ans. d

Q.20- For a given process, the heat change at pressure (qp) and constant volume (qv) are related to each other as 

 a) qp = qv 

 b) qp < qv 

 c) qp > qv 

 d) qp =qn

Ans. c

Q.21- Boiling point range of petroleum ether is;

a) 5-20oC

b) 10-30oC

c) 20-60oC

d) 30-90oC

Ans. c

Q.22- The example of sp hybridization;

a) Methane

b) Banzene

c) Ethene

d) Ethyne

Ans. d

Q.23- The compound in which two alkyl group are attached to carbonyl group is called;

a) Ether

b) Alcohol

c) Ketone

d) Aldehyde

Ans. c

Q.24- Carbonyl group is present in;

a) Aldehyde

b) Ketone

c) Alcohols

d) Both A & B

Ans. d

Q.25- The number of chain isomers of pentane;

a) Three

b) Two

c) One

d) Zero

Ans. a

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Q.26- The ratio of angular frequency and linear frequency is: 

 A) 2 Ï€ 

B) Ï€ 

C) 1/2Ï€ 

D) π/2

Ans. a

Q.27- A simple pendulum is completing 20 vibration in 5 seconds, its frequency is: 

 A) 4 Hz 

B) 20 Hz 

C) 200 Hz 

D) 40 Hz

Ans. a

Q.28- In an isolated system, the total energy of the vibrating mass and spring is: 

 A) Variable 

B) Low 

C) High 

D) Constant

Ans. D

Q.29- The simple pendulum is shifted from Lahore to mount Everest, then its time period: 

 A) Dose not change 

B) Decreases 

C) Increases 

D) Slightly decreases

Ans. c

Q.30- If the length of simple pendulum is doubled then its time period becomes: 

 A) Half 

B) 2 times 

C) times √2 

D) 4 times

Ans. C

Q.31- One horse power=--------? 

a) 746 

b) 212 

c) 273 

d) 743 

Ans. a

Q.32- Force is directly proportional to ———? 

a) Mass 

b) Acceleration 

c) Speed 

d) Velocity

Ans. B

Q.33- The floating of a ship on the surface of sea is due to —-law? 

a) Archimedes 

b) Newton‘s 

c) Pascal‘s 

d) Hook‘s

Ans. A

Q.34- Velocity is—–unit? 

a) Fundamental 

b) Vector 

c) Derived 

d) Basic

Ans. c

Q.35- P type materials consists of——-? 

a) Protons 

b) Electrons 

c) Positrons 

d) Holes

Ans. D


Q.36- Fakhar Zaman appeared settled ______ the crease?

A) on 

B) at 

C) in 

D) none 

Ans. B

Q.37- He got ______ his illness in two weeks. 

A) over 

B) on 

C) at 

D) by 

Ans. A

Q.38- He is now ashamed ____ his conduct. 

A) at 

B) with 

C) of 

D) by 

Ans. C

Q.39- Please do not get angry __ me. 

A) with 

B) on 

C) at 

D) towards 

Ans. A

Q.40- We arrived ____ the village at night. 

A) to 

B) in 

C) at 

D) of 

Ans. C

Q.41- Synonym of “aver” is _________? 

A) to balk at 

B) declare 

C) turn away 

D) postpone 

Ans. B

Q.42- Synonym of “sagacity” is _________?

A) attentiveness

B) courage 

C) wisdom

D) thoughtfulness

Ans. c

Q.43- Synonym of “tranquillity” is _________? 

A) balance 

B) patience 

C) calmness 

D) beauty 

Ans. C

Q.44- Synonym of “senescent” is _________? 

A) sensitive 

B) ageing 

C) sleepy

D) sweet smelling

Ans. B

Q.45- Synonym of “infinite” is _________? 

A) verbal 

B) indefinite 

C) endless 

D) vague 

Ans. C

Q.46- Synonym of “indigence” is _________? 

A) nativity 

B) tolerance 

C) gossiping 

D) poverty 

Ans. D

Q.47- Antonym of “labor” is ___________. 

A) amuse 

B) surrender 

C) rest 

D) strive 

Ans. C

Q.48- Antonym of “quiescent” is _________.

A) lackadaisical

B) active 

C) dull 

D) prescient A

ns. B

Q.49- Antonym of “accelerate” is _______? 

A) delay 

B) risk 

C) monitor 

D) deny 

Ans. A

Q.50- Antonym of ” Provoke ” is _____________? 

A) Arouse 

B) Induce 

C) Evoke 

D) Allay 

Ans. D

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