AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021 | Test-8 | AFNS Complete Test Preparation

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Q.1- Which of the following helped the seed plants to adapt to a wide variety of environments? 

 a) Heterospory 

b) Presence of roots

c) No dependency on external water for fertilization 

d) Production of leaves 

 Ans. c

Q.2- Which of the following are the characteristics of the ovule? 

 a) presence of integument 

b) retention of megaspore 

c) maturation into seed 

d) all of these 

 Ans. d 

 Q.3- The sporangia of horsetail (Equisetum) cones are produced 

 a) in the axils of leaves 

b) on the tip of branches 

c) on little branches 

d) enveloped in leaf 

 Ans. c 

 Q.4- In which of the following only the stem performs the function of photosynthesis?

a) Psilotum 

b) Selaginella 

c) Lycopodium 

d) Equisetum 

 Ans. a

Q.5- Which of the following do not have true leaves? 

 a) Psilotum 

b) Selaginella 

c) Equisetum 

d) Lycopodium 

 Ans. d

Q.6- Which of the following are non-vascular plants? 

 a) club mosses 

b) ferns 

c) mosses 

d) conifers 

 Ans. c

Q.7- Deficiency of vitamin D in children causes 

a) beriberi 

b) pellagra 

c) rickets 

d) scurvy

Ans. c 

Q.8- In man the normal number of chromosomes is 

a) 42 

b) 44 

c) 46 

d) 48 

Ans. c 

Q.9- Scurvy is a disease which is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin 

a) A 

b) K 

c) C 

 d) B12 

Ans. c

Q.10- During photosynthesis green plants absorb 

a) nitrogen 

b) carbon dioxide 

c) carbon monoxide 

d) oxygen

Ans. b

Q.11- The name of the first cloned sheep was 

a) Molly 

b) Dolly 

c) Jolly 

d) Roly

Ans. b 

Q.12- Through Photosynthesis green plants generate 

a) inorganic materials 

b) minerals 

 c) organic materials 

d) nutrients 

Ans. c 

Q.13- Lac is produced from 

a) a tree 

b) an insect 

c) an cat 

d) a muskrat

Ans. b

Q.14- Toxicology is related to the study of 

a) viruses 

b) bacteria 

c) diseases 

d) poisons 

Ans. d 

Q.15- Which of the following hormones is released in excess quantity during excitement ? 

a) Cortisone 

 b) Serotonin 

 c) Adrenaline 

 d) Oestrogen 

 Ans. C


Q.16- PH of pure water is 

 a) 3.2 

 b) 4.2 

 c) 7.0 

 d) 0

Ans. c

Q.17- Law of mass action was presented by 

 a) Henderson 

 b) Lewis 

 c) Guldberg and Waage 

 d) Arrehenius

Ans. c

Q.18- Which PH is considered as basic 

 a) 1 

 b) 7 

 c) 2 

 d) 11

Ans. d

Q.19- The solution having zero PH will be 

 a) basic 

 b) high basic 

 c) neutral 

 d) highly acidic

Ans. d

Q.20- Buffer action can be explained by 

 a) common ion effect

 b) law of mass action 

c) Le–Chatlier’s principle 

 d) all above

Ans. d

Q.21- A basic Buffer solution can be prepared by mixing 

 a) weak acid and its salt with strong base 

 b) strong acid and its salt with weak base 

 c) weak base and its salt with strong acid 

 d) strong base and its salt with weak acid

Ans. A

Q.22- The presence of double bond in a compound is the sign of;

a) Saturation

b) Unsaturation

c) Substitution 

d) None of these

Ans. d

Q.23- Hydrocarbon which is liquid at room temperature is;

a) Hexane

b) Butane

c) Ethane

d) Propane

Ans. a

Q.24- CH3 is an example of;

a) Alkenyl group

b) Alkane series

c) Alkyl group

d) None of these

Ans. c

Q.25- Mustard gas is;

a) Highly viscous liquid

b) Low boiling liquid

c) High boiling liquid

d) Colourless gas

Ans. c


Q.26- Tuning fork is a source of: 

 A) Energy 

B) Heat 

C) Light 

D) Sound

Ans. d

Q.27- Speed of sound in Hydrogen is higher than in Oxygen by times: 

A) 4 

B) 6 

C) 8 

D) 16

Ans. a

Q.28- When sound waves enter in different medium, the quantity that remains unchanged is: 

 A) Intensity 

B) Speed 

C) Frequency 

D) Wave length 

Ans. c

Q.29- The process followed by Netwon for the determination of speed of sound in air is: 

 A) Adiabatic 

B) Isothermal 

C) Isobaric 

D) Isochoric

Ans. a

Q.30- Beats cannot be heard if the difference of frequency is more than: 

 A) 7 Hz 

B) 10 Hz 

C) 5 Hz 

D) 20 Hz

Ans. B

Q.31- Matter is made up of tiny particles and it is called—-? 

a) Atoms 

b) Molecules 

c) Protons

d) Electrons

Ans. a

Q.32- The freezing point of water at kelvin degree centrigrate is——? 

a) 212 

b) 273 

c) 746 

d) 743

Ans. B

Q.33- Frequency is reciprocal to ------------? 

a) Temperature 

b) Amplitude 

c) Heat 

d) Time period

Ans. D

Q.34- The effect of magnet can be destroyed through——-? 

a) Hammering 

b) Heating 

c) Both a &b 

d) Touching 

Ans. C

Q.35- The force exerted on machine is called——?

a) Input/output 

b) Output/input 

c) Input

d) Output

Ans. C


Q.36- He belongs________ a noble family. 

A) with 

B) to 

C) among 

D) in 

Ans. B

Q.37- I don’t want to argue ______you? 

A) at 

B) to 

C) from 

D) with 

Ans. D

Q.38- I am shy _____ my teacher. 

A) with 

B) from 

C) of 

D) to 

Ans. C

Q.39- He has been swimming _____ one hour. 

A) from 

B) with 

C) Since 

D) For 

Ans. D

Q.40- Sana filled the glass _______ water. 

A) with 

B) of 

C) from 

D) by 

Ans. A

Q.41- Synonym of ALERT is _____________? 

A) Intelligent 

B) Energetic 

C) Observant 

D) Watchful 

Ans. D

Q.42- Synonym of “halcyon” is _________? 

A) turbulent

B) shimmering

C) exhausting 

D) calm 

Ans. D

Q.43- Synonym of “sordid” is _________? 

A) lazy 

B) cruel

C) regrettable

D) dirty 

Ans. D

Q.44- Synonym of “comely” is _________? 

A) peaceful 

B) attractive 

C) fun loving 

D) modest 

Ans. B

Q.45- Synonym of “broach” is _________?

A) to decorate

B) bridge 

C) offend 

D) introduce 

Ans. D

Q.46- Antonym of NIGGARDLY is _____________? 

A) Generous 

B) Chintzy

C) Closefisted

D) Skimpy 

Ans. A

Q.47- Antonym of “impecunious” is _________. 

A) wealthy 

B) cautious 

C) hungry 

D) tardy 

Ans. A

Q.48- Antonym of “bemuse” is _______? 

A) depress 

B) inspire 

C) clarify 

D) desire 

Ans. C

Q.49- Antonym of ” Incur ” is ____________? 

A) Attract 

B) Invite 

C) Earn 

D) Avoid 

Ans. D

Q.50- Antonym of BRUSQUE is _____________? 

A) Corrupt 

B) Brash 

C) energetic 

D) Courteous 

Ans. D

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