AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021 | Test-9 | AFNS Complete Test Preparation

 AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021


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Q.1- In the seeds of leguminous plants, food is stored in the 

 a) endosperm 

b) testa 

c) taegmen 

d) Cotyledon

Ans. D

Q.2- Which of these does not develop from the zygote of an angiosperm? 

 a) endosperm

 b) cotyledon 

c) radical 

d) plumule 

 Ans. A

 Q.3- Which of these remain underground during hypogeal mode of germination? 

 a) plumule 

b) cotyledon 

c) epicotyl 

d) none of these 

Ans. B

Q.4- Which of the following is monocot family? 

 a) Cruciferae 

b) Solanaceae

c) Leguminosae 

d) Graminae 

 Ans. D 

 Q.5- Which of the following is not the characteristic of Gymnosperm? 

 a) stem 

b) root 

c) flower 

d) leaf 

 Ans. c

Q.6- Which of the following established five kingdom system of the living organisms? 

 a) Stanley 

b) Linnaeus 

c) Lederberg 

d) R. Whittaker 

 Ans. D

Q.7- Which of the following has stored food in the form of sugars? 

 a) stem tuber

b) bulb 

c) corm 

d) Rhizome

Ans. B

Q.8- In which of the following the thalamus forms the edible part of the fruit? 

 a) pea 

b) apple 

c) grapes 

d) mango 

 Ans. B

Q.9- Fluid part of blood devoid of corpuscles is called 

 a) Tissue fluid 

 b) Plasma 

 c) Serum 

d) Lymph

Ans. c

Q.10- Ripe grapes contain 

a) Fructose 

 b) Sucrose 

 c) Galactose 

 d) Glucose

Ans. a

Q.11- The branch of biology dealing with the study of cells is known as 

a) Cytology 

 b) Histology

 c) Psychology 

 d) Physiology

Ans. a 

 Q.12- The study of extinct animals is called 

a) Herpetology 

b) Ornithology 

c) Geology 

d) Palaeontology 

Ans. d 

Q.13- The medical term used for the sleeplessness is 

a) Somnambulism 

b) Insomnia 

c) Hallucination 

d) Nyctinuria

Ans. b

Q.14- Blood cancer is otherwise called as 

a) Anaemia 

b) Polycythemia 

 c) Leucopenia 

d) Leukaemia

Ans. d

Q.15- The age of a tree can be determined more or less accurately by 

a) counting the number of branches 

b) measuring the height of the tree 

c) measuring the diameter of the trunk 

d) counting the number of rings in the trunk

Ans. d


Q.16- Elevation of boiling is measured by 

 a) Beckmann’s apparatus

 b) Lands berger’s method 

 c) Antifreeze apparatus 

 d) none of above

Ans. b

Q.17- The solution of KCl 

 a) acidic 

 b) basic 

 c) neutral 

 d) none of above

Ans. c

Q.18- Which one of following is not a conjugate solution 

 a) ether + water 

 b) phenol + water 

 c) nicotine + water 

 d) ethanol + water

Ans. d

Q.19- Which one of following is not soluble in alcohol 

 a) KCl 

 b) urea 

 c) acetone 

d) ether

Ans. a

Q.20- Use of NaCl in ice cream making is an important application of 

 a) constitutive property 

 b) additive property 

 c) colligative property 

 d) Roault’s law

Ans. C

Q.21- Among the following compounds which can be readily sulphonated;

a) Phenol

b) Benzene

c) Nitrobenzene 

d) Chlorobenzene

Ans. a

Q.22- Structure of benzene is resonance hybrid of all________ structures;

a) 3

b) 4

c) 5

d) 6

Ans. c

Q.23- Aromatic hydrocarbons are derivatives of;

a) Paraffins

b) Alkene

c) Benzene

d) Cyclohexane

Ans. c

Q.24- The molecular formula of naphthalene is;

a) C10H8

b) C10H10

c) C10H12

d) C12H12

Ans. a

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Q.25- The number of possible isomers of xylene are;

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

Ans. b


Q.26- Huygen’s principle is used to: 

 A) Explain polarization 

B) Locate the wave front 

C) Find the speed of light 

D) Find the index of refraction

Ans. b

Q.27- Michelson’s interferometer can be used to find the: 

 A) Velocity of light 

B) Wavelength of light 

C) Velocity of sound 

D) Wavelength of sound

Ans. b

Q.28- The centre of Newton’s rings is dark due to: 

 A) Destructive interference 

B) Diffraction 

C) Constructive interference 

D) Polarization

Ans. A

Q.29- The locus of all points in a medium having the same phase of vibration is called: 

 A) Crest 

B) Trough 

C) Wavelength 

D) Wave front

Ans. d

Q.30- When light ray travels from one medium to another, the characteristic which does not change is: 

 A) Velocity 

B) Wavelength 

C) Amplitude 

D) Frequency

Ans. d

Q.31- The fringe spacing in a double slit experiment can be increased by decreasing:

A) Wavelength of light

B) Width of slits 

C) Slit separation 

D) Distance between the slits and the screen

Ans. D

Q.32- A pencil is an example of——equilibrium? 

A) Neutral 

B) None 

C) Unstable 

D) Stable 

Ans. c

Q.33- In air velocity of sound is——? 

A) 4500 

b) None 

c) 3400 

d) 36952

Ans. B

Q.34- If a body of mass ―m‖ is attached with a rope then this is—–law? 

a) Pascal‘s 

b) Ohm 

c) Newton’s 

d) Momentum 

Ans. C

Q.35- Hydrogen has ——isotopes? 

a) Four 

b) One 

c) Three 

d) Two

Ans. C

Q.36- To move entire earth said by ———? 

a) Ohm‘s 

b) Archimedes line 

c) Newton‘s

d) Oersted

Ans. B


Q.36- She suffers ___________ a heart disease? 

A) from

B) in 

C) about 

D) on 

Ans. A

Q.37- The food is very good_______that restaurant.

A) at 

B) of 

C) in 

D) with 

Ans. C

Q.38- She is interested _____ drawing and painting. 

A) of 

B) on 

C) in 

D) with 

Ans. c

Q.39- There is still no cure _____ AIDS. 

A) of 

B) to 

C) for 

D) with 

Ans. C

Q.40- Sana was starring _____ me. 

A) to 

B) towards 

C) at 

D) on 

Ans. C

Q.41- Synonym of ” Vie ” is _____________? 

A) Compete 

B) Kowtow 

C) Censure 

D) Sanction 

Ans. A

Q.42- Synonym of “GAINSAY” is _____________? 

A) Suppress 

B) Oppose 

C) Yielding 

D) animation 

Ans. B

Q.43- Synonym of “hegemony” is _________?

A) government by the few

B) mass migration

C) selfgoverning state

D) dominance

Ans. D

Q.44- Synonym of “aver” is _________? 

A) to balk at 

B) declare 

C) turn away 

D) postpone 

Ans. B

Q.45- Synonym of “fiesta” is _________? 

A) puzzle 

B) joy 

C) nap 

D) festival 

Ans. D

Q.46- Antonym of “Serene” is _________? 

A) Tranquil 

B) Calm 

C) Placid 

D) Anxious 

Ans. D

Q.47- Antonym of ” Sceptical ” is _____________? 

A) Scapegoat 

B) Scoffing 

C) Certain 

D) Reticent 

Ans. C

Q.48- Antonym of ARCHETYPE is _____________? 

A) Origin 

B) Copy 

C) Generous 

D) Factory 

Ans. B

Q.49- Antonym of ONEROUS is ____________? 

A) Light 

B) Difficult

C) Burfensome

D) Fluent 

Ans. A

Q.50- Which one of the following is antonym of ” Welter ” while others are synonyms?

A) Clutter 

B) Fuddle 

C) Jumble 

D) Order 

Ans. D

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