AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021 | Test-10

 AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021


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Q.1- The body cavity of roundworms is called 

 a) acoelom 

 b) pseudo-acoelom 

c) pseudo coelom 

d) coelom 

 Ans. c

Q.2- Which of the following is a radially symmetrical animal? 

 a) Planaria 

b) Rotifer 

c) Fluke 

d) Sea anemone 

 Ans. d

Q.3- Which of the following protozoans lives in the gust termites and helps them digest cellulose? 

 a) Plasmodium 

b) Amoeba 

c) Trichonympha 

d) Trypanosome 

 Ans. c

Q.4- Mollusks are: 

 a) presence of envelop around the body 

b) highly organized body with complex systems 

c) segmented body 

d) bilaterally symmetrical body 

 Ans. c 

 Q.5- The number of pairs of legs in insects are: 

 a) one 

b) two 

c) three 

d) four 

 Ans. c

Q.6- Which of these possesses true body cavity (coelom)? 

 a) Annelia 

b) Nematoda 

c) Platyhelminthes 

d) Coelenterata 

 Ans. a 

 Q.7- Most sponges are 

 a) bilaterally symmetrical 

b) radially symmetrical 

c) vertically symmetrical 

d) asymmetrical 

 Ans. d 

 Q.8- Tetanus is caused by 

a) Clostridium 

 b) Virus 

c) Bacteriophage 

 d) Salmonella

Ans. a

Q.9- Birds usually have a single 

a) Kidney 

b) Lung 

c) Testis 

d) Ovary 

Ans. d 

Q.10- Blood pressure is controlled by 

a) Adrenal gland 

b) Thyroid gland 

c) Thymus 

d) Corpus Luteum

Ans. a 

Q.11- Which of the part of tongue bears cells for sour taste ? 

a) Front 

b) Back 

c) Sides 

d) Middle 

 Ans. c 

Q.12- The deficiency of Vitamin B causes 

a) Scurvy 

b) Dermatitis

c) Beri Beri 

 d) Phynoderma

Ans. c

Q.13- The large amount of sugar present in human blood is 

a) sucrose 

b) glucose 

c) fructose 

d) lactose

Ans. b

Q.14- Among the defects of eye the shortsightedness is called 

a) coma 

b) hypermetropia 

c) myopia 

d) astigmatism

Ans. c

Q.15- Anaemia occurs due to the deficiency of 

a) riboflavin 

 b) thiamine 

 c) folic acid 

 d) niacin

Ans. C


Q.16- Corrosion reactions are 

 a) spontaneous redox reactions 

 b) non–spontaneous redox reactions 

 c) spontaneous acid–base reactions 

 d) none of these

Ans. a

Q.17- Fuel cells are the means by which chemical energy may be converted into 

 a) heat energy

 b) electrical energy 

 c) mechanical energy 

d) sound energy

Ans. b

Q.18- Strong reducing agents have 

 a) greater positive value of standard reduction potential 

 b) greater negative value of standard reduction potential 

 c) lesser positive value of standard reduction potential 

 d) none of these

Ans. b

Q.19- A process for converting one metal with a thin layer of another metal is called 

 a) electrolysis 

 b) electroplating 

 c) electrode potential 

d) standard electrode

Ans. b

Q.20- A cell in which an electric current drives a non–spontaneous reaction is called 

 a) electrolytic cell 

 b) voltaic cell 

 c) biological cell 

 d) electrochemical cell

Ans. a

Q.21- An apparatus in which chemical energy in converted to electrical energy is called 

 a) electrolytic cell 

 b) galvanic cell 

 c) fuel cell 

 d) down cell

Ans. b

Q.22- Sodium metal is obtained by the electrolysis of fused NaCl in a cell is called 

 a) Nelson’s cell 

 b) Down’s cell 

 c) Daniell cell 

 d) Voltaic cell

Ans. B

Q.23- Carbocation is a/an;

a) Electrophile

b) Nucleophile

c) Free Radical 

d) Group of Atoms

Ans. A

Q.24- The substance which donates a pair of electron to electrophile are called;

a) Electrophile

b) Nucleophile

c) Lewis acid

d) Dibasic acid

Ans. b

Q.25- Grignard's reagent reacts to form alkane with;

a) Water

b) Ammonia 

c) Ethanol

d) All of these

Ans. d


Q.26- The focal length of convex lens is: 

 A) Negative 

B) Positive 

C) Large

D) Small

Ans. b

Q.27- Which is not the essential component of a spectrometer? 

 A) Collimator 

B) Telescope 

C) Turntable 

D) Microscope 

Ans. d

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Q.28- The speed at which light travels within the material depends upon: 

 A) Wavelength 

B) Frequency 

C) Refractive index 

D) Velocity

Ans. c

Q.29- A layer over the central core of the Jacke is called: 

 A) Jacket 

B) Plastic 

C) Cladding 

D) Rubber

Ans. C

Q.30- Information carrying capacity of optical fibre is called: 

 A) Capacity 

B) Band width 

C) Immunity 

D) Ability

Ans. B

Q.31- Boyles law=—–? 

a) PVT 

b) NRT 

c) P 1 V 1 T1 

d) PV

Ans. D

Q.32- Doctor Abdul Islam got noble prize in———–? 

a) 1980 

b) 1992 

c) 1979 

d) 1962 

Ans. c

Q.33- If a 100 kg weight is thrown in upward direction then on coming down side its weight side its weight will be——? 

a) Increase 

b) 4 kg 

c) 100 kg 

d) Same

Ans. D

Q.34- To lift the heavy cars—–is used? 

a) Inclined plane 

b) Liver 

c) Screw jack 

d) None

Ans. C

Q.35- In dry cell the charging of emf is——? 

a) 1V 

b) 2V 

c) 1.5V 

d) 2.5V

Ans. C


Q.36- Sana is different _______ other girls. 

A) than

B) with 

C) from 

D) to 

Ans. C

Q.37- He always insisted ____ his opinion. 

A) to 

B) in 

C) on 

D) over 

Ans. C

Q.38- He was accused ______________ theft? 

A) of 

B) in 

C) about 

D) on 

Ans. A

Q.39- A good judge never jumps _________the conclusion.

A) In 

B) To 

C) on 

D) At 

Ans. B

Q.40- I am good __________ tennis? 

A) of 

B) in 

C) about 

D) at 

Ans. D

Q.41- Synonym of Stunning is _____________? 

A) Magician 

B) Beautiful 

C) Vain

D) None of these

Ans. B

Q.42- Synonym of Turmoil is _____________?

A) Conclusion

B) Reversal 

C) Meanness 

D) Confusion 

Ans. D

Q.43- Synonym of “disparity” is _________?

A) argumentation

B) difference 

C) discord 

D) harmony 

Ans. B

Q.44- Synonym of “ineluctable” is _________? 

A) subtle 

B) inevitable 

C) incapable 

D) insoluble 

Ans. B

Q.45- Synonym of rebate is ____________ ? 

A) Gift 

B) Charity

C) Commission

D) Discount 

Ans. D

Q.46- The Synonym of Abstemious is___________? 

A) Diligent 

B) Confused 

C) Moderate

D) None of these

Ans. C

Q.47- Antonym of “gainsay” is _______. 

A) regret 

B) own 

C) prudent 

D) prude 

Ans. B

Q.48- Antonym of ” Sloppy ” is _____________? 

A) Careful 

B) Slapdash

C) Haphazard

D) Slovenly 

Ans. A

Q.49- Antonym of SCURRILOUS is_____________? 

A) Abusive 

B) Ribald 

C) Decent 

D) Mitigate 

Ans. C

Q.50- Antonym of PARSIMONY is _____________? 

A) Verbosity

B) Generosity

C) Clan

D) Tenderness

Ans. B

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