AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021 | Test-11

 AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021


AFNS Academic Test Preparation Test-11


Q.1- In Which of the following young are born in rudimentary conditions? 

a) kangaroos

b) zebras 

c) elephants 

d) bats 

 Ans. a 

 Q.2- The vertebrates are 

 a) all unisexual 

b) all hermaphrodite 

c) some unisexual and some hermaphrodite 

d) all neuter (without sex) 

 Ans. a

Q.3- Flying mammals are included 

 a) Rodentia 

b) Chiroptera 

c) Primates 

d) Cetacean 

 Ans. b

Q.4- Which of these is not true of the egg laying mammals? 

 a) feeding young with milk 

b) presence of hairs 

c) diaphragm 

d) right aortic arch 

 Ans. d 

Q.5- Which of these are the placental mammals? 

 a) prototherians 

b) metatherians 

c) eutherians 

d) all of these 

 Ans. c

Q.6- The skin of mammals is provided with sweat glands for 

a) respiration

b) temperature regulation 

c) oily secretion 

d) blood movement regulation 

 Ans. b

Q.7- Which of these is extinct reptile? 

 a) Turtles 

b) Brontosaurus 

c) Snake 

d) Alligator 

 Ans. b

Q.8- The colour of the eye depends upon the pigment present In 

a) cornea 

b) iris 

 c) rods 

d) cones 

Ans. b

Q.9- 370 Blood groups were discovered by 

a) Altmann 

b) Landsteiner 

c) Losch 

d) Ronald Ross 

Ans. b 

Q.10- The animal which can tolerate more summer heat is 

 a) Buffalo 

b) Cow 

c) Goat 

d) Donkey

Ans. c

Q.11- Rickets is the deficiency disease of Vitamin D in which the affected part is the 

a) skin 

b) hair 

c) bone 

d) blood 

Ans. c

Q.12- The tissue in man where no cell division occurs after birth is 

a) skeletal 

b) nerves 

c) connective 

d) germinal

Ans. b

Q.13- The normal cholesterol level in human blood is 

a) 80 - 120 mg% 

b) 120- 140 mg% 

c) 140 - 180 mg% 

d) 180 - 200 mg

Ans. d

Q.14- The PH of human blood is 

a) 2 

b) 8 

c) 6 

d) 4

Ans. d

Q.15- The noble gas used for the treatment of cancer is 

a) Helium 

b) Argon 

c) Krypton 

d) Radon

Ans. D


Q.16- Glucose is converted into ethanol by an enzyme 

 a) urease 

 b) invertase 

 c) zymase 

 d) glucose

Ans. c

Q.17- The heterogenous catalysis 

 a) reactants and products have different phases 

 b) reactants and catalyst have different phases 

 c) products and catalyst have different phases 

 d) all the above 

Ans. b

Q.18- Arrhenius equation describe the effect of 

 a) temp on rate of reaction 

 b) volume on rate of reaction 

 c) pressure on rate of reaction 

 d) all the above 

Ans. a

Q.19- A substance which alters the rate of reaction 

 a) inhibitor 

 b) catalyst 

 c) promoter 

 d) auto catalyst

Ans. b

Q.20- The factors which affect rate of reaction 

 a) nature of reactants 

 b) surface area 

 c) light 

 d) all of above

Ans. d

Q.21- The substance which retard the rate of chemical reaction 

 a) catalyst 

 b) inhibitor 

 c) auto catalyst 

 d) enzyme 

Ans. b

Q.22- The enzyme used in the hydrolysis of urea is

a) urease 

 b) amylase 

 c) oxidase 

 d) reductase

Ans. A

Q.23- 100% Pure alcohol is called;

a) Methylated spirit

b) Rectified spirit

c) Power alcohol

d) Absolut alcohol

Ans. d

Q.24- The hydrolysis of sugar is called;

a) Condensation

b) Polymerization

c) Inversion

d) Reduction

Ans. c

Q.25- 95% Ethanol is called;

a) Absolut alcohol

b) Rectified spirit

c) Methylated spirit

d) Wood spirit

Ans. b


Q.26- The SI unit of product of pressure and volume is: 

 A) Walt 

B) Joule

C) Pascal 

D) Newton

Ans. b

Q.27- The internal energy of system does not depend on: 

A) Temperature 

B) Pressure 

C) Path 

D) Final and initial state

Ans. c

Q.28- Entropy remains constant in: 

 A) Isothermal process 

B) Adiabatic process 

C) Isochoric process 

D) Isobaric process

Ans. b

Q.29- The measure of hotness or coldness of a substance is: 

 A) Temperature 

B) Heat 

C) Internal energy 

D) Energy

Ans. a

Q.30- The temperature of a system remains constant in: 

 A) Adiabatic process 

B) Isobaric process 

C) Isothermal process 

D) Adiabatic process

Ans. C

Q.31- In three states of matter in which the attraction of molecules is lesser? 

a) Gas 

b) Liquid 

c) Solid 

d) None

Ans. A

Q.32- The ratio of force and weight is called ——? 

a) Inclined plane 

b) Momentum 

c) Mechanical advantage 

d) Efficiency

Ans. c

Q.33- If we add all the 7 colors of rainbow (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, violet and indigo), the resultant color would be? 

a) White 

b) Black 

c) Maroon 

d) Dark Blue 

Ans. a

Q.34- When white light passes through a prism, it splits into __________ colors. 

a) 5 

b) 6 

c) 7 

d) 8

Ans. B

Q.35- Ozone layer protects the Earth from __________ radiations from the Sun. 

a) microwaves 

b) infrared 

c) X-rays 

d) ultraviolet

Ans. D


Q.36- It differs ______________ their last suggestion?

A) about 

B) in 

C) from 

D) of 

Ans. C

Q.37- He was embarrassed because everybody was laughing __________ him?

A) of 

B) in 

C) about 

D) at 

Ans. D

Q.38- the night mysterious creatures prowl. 

A) in 

B) at 

C) on 

D) along 

Ans. A

Q.39- I don’t want to argue ______you? 

A) at 

B) to 

C) from 

D) with 

Ans. D

Q.40- There was no heir ______ the throne. 

A) to 

B) with 

C) him 

D) over 

Ans. A

Q.41- Synonym of ” inane ” is ______________. 

A) crazy 

B) senseless 

C) hopeless 

D) faithless 

Ans. B

Q.42- Synonym of “plethora” is _________. 

A) trouble 

B) foolish 

C) wealth 

D) love 

Ans. C

Q.43- Synonym of “savanna” is _________? 

A) grassland 

B) harbour 

C) garment 

D) mat 

Ans. A

Q.44- Synonym of “emolument” is _________?

A) anything that softens

B) praise 

C) profit

D) expression of approval

Ans. C

Q.45- Synonym of “advert” is _________?

A) turn against

B) chance

C) circumvent

D) refer 

Ans. D

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Q.46- Antonym of LUCID is _____________? 

A) Evident 

B) Obvious 

C) Explicit 

D) Vague 

Ans. D

Q.47- What is antonyms of word Restoration?

A) Lexicon 

B) Balm 

C) Hoarding

D) Depredation

Ans. D

Q.48- Antonym of “banal” is __________. 

A) sincere 

B) wealthy

C) extraordinary

D) trustworthy

Ans. C

Q.49- Antonym of “peaked” is _________. 

A) tired 

B) arrogant 

C) pointy 

D) ruddy 

Ans. D

Q.50- Antonym of ” Celibate ” is _____________? 

A) Chaste 

B) Ascetic 

C) Genious 

D) Married 

Ans. D

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