AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021 | Test-12 | AFNS Preparation Completed

 AFNS Academic Test Preparation 2021


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Q.1- In animals the product of anaerobic respiration is: 

A) Butyric acid 

B) Alcohol 

C) Glucose 

D) Lactic acid 

 Ans. d 

 Q.2- The process of Glycolysis takes place in: 

A) Mitochondria

B) Cytoplasm 

C) Stroma 

D) Granum 

 Ans. b

Q.3- In which of the following cells elongate parallel to the long axis of the stem or root? 

a) Pith 

b) Trachieds 

c) Cortex

d) Parenchyma 

 Ans. b 

 Q.4- Spiral thickenings of the walls of cells occur in: 

 a) Parenchyma 

b) Chlorenchyma 

c) Xylem vessels 

d) Cortex 

 Ans. c

Q.5- The application of Auxin in small amount: 

 A) Stimulate the growth of leaves 

b) Retard the growth of leaves 

c) Suppress the growth of leaves 

d) Does not affect the growth of laves 

 Ans. d

Q.6- Chrysanthemum indicum is a: 

a) Short day plant 

b) Long day plant 

c) Day neutral plant 

d) Both A & B 

 Ans. a

Q.7- The function of cellular respiration is to 

 a) make ATP 

b) make NADPH 

c) get rid of glucose 

d) get rid of carbon dioxide 

 Ans. a

Q.8- In aerobic respiration, most of the ATP is synthesized during 

 a) Glycolysis 

b) Oxidation of Pyruvic acid 

c) The Krebs cycle 

d) Electron transport 

 Ans. d 

 Q.9- New leaves are formed from the 

 a) shoot apical meristem 

b) vascular cambium 

c) lateral buds 

d) pericycle 

 Ans. a

Q.10- A hormone that controls closure of stomata in response to water stress is 

a) gibberellins 

b) Abscisic acid 

c) Auxins 

d) Cytokinins 

Ans. b

Q.11- Blood pressure is controlled by 

a) Adrenal gland 

b) Thyroid gland 

c) Thymus 

d) Corpus luteum

Ans. a

Q.12- The best method of disposal of garbage is 

a) Vermiculture 

 b) Incineration 

 c) Land filling 

d) Burning 

Ans. c 

Q.13- In Scorpion poison is present in the 

a) leg 

b) hand 

 c) mouth 

 d) sting

Ans. d

Q.14- A drug which helps in controlling fever is 

a) Ibuprofen 

b) Penicillin 

 c) Paracetamol 

 d) Corticosteroid

Ans. c 

Q.15- The deficiency of iron in man result in 

a) Anaemia 

 b) Night blindness 

 c) Scurvy 

 d) Rickets

Ans. A


Q.16- The nature of cathode rays remains the same irrespective of the material used for 

 a) gas 

 b) cathode 

 c) glass 

 d) electrode

Ans. d

Q.17- The calculated e/m value of electron is 

 a) 1.602 x 1019 c kg–1 

 b) 1.7588 x 10–11 c kg–1

c) 1.7588 x 10–13 c kg–1 

 d) 1.759 x 109 c kg

Ans. b

Q.18- The charge on electron was determined by

a) J.J. Thomson 

 b) Millikan 

 c) Rutherford 

 d) Bohr

Ans. b

Q.19- Alpha particles are identical to 

 a) hydrogen atoms 

 b) helium atoms 

 c) helium nuclei 

 d) fast moving electrons 

Ans. c

Q.20- Bombardment of Beryllium with alpha particles generates 

 a) proton 

 b) neutron 

 c) electron 

 d) positron 

Ans. b

Q.21- The colour of the glow produced in the discharge tube depends upon 

 a) gas 

 b) electrodes 

 c) composition of gas 

 d) pressure

Ans. C

Q.22- Methyl ketones are usually characterised through;

a) Tollen's reagent

b) Iodoform test

c) Schiff's test

d) Benedict solution test

Ans. b

Q.23- Acetaldol is a condensation product of;

a) two molecules of ethanol

b) two molecules of propanone

c) ethanal and methanol

d) Ethanal and propanone

Ans. a

Q.24- Benzaldehyde can be prepared by the hydrolysis of;

a) Benzyl chloride

b) Benzal chloride

c) Benzotri chloride

d) Benzo nitrile

Ans. b

Q.25- Which one of the following can be oxidized to the corresponding carbonyl compound;

a) 2-Hydroxypropane

b) o-Nitrophenol

c) Phenol

d) 2-Hydroxy-2-methyl propane

Ans. a


Q.26- Which from the following is NOT a Renewable Energy? 

a) Geothermal 

b) Solar 

c) Nuclear 

d) Biofuels

Ans. C

Q.27- Electron volt is a unit of? 

a) Power 

B) Momentum 

C) Energy 

D) Work

Ans. C

Q.28- Maxwell‘s hypothesis suggests that a changing electric field gives rise to? 

a) A magnetic field 

b) another electric field 

c) An e.m.f 

d) A changing resistance

Ans. A

Q.29- An atom emits a beta-particle from its?

a) Inner shells 

b) Any of the shells depending upon its energy

c) Nucleus

d) Outer shells 

Ans. C

Q.30- The magnitude of the resultant of two forces may be increased by ? 

a) Drawing a parallelogram to represent them 

b) None of the above 

c) Decreasing the angle between them 

d) Increasing the angle between them

Ans. C

Q.31- A stone is being whirled at the end of a string in form of avertical circle. The string of breaks is likely to carry the stone? 

a) At any point 

b) At a fixed point

c) At the highest point

d) At the lowest point 

Ans. d

Q.32- The variation in focal length of a lens at its edges is called?

a) Coma

b) Chromatic aberration

c) Spherical aberration

d) Astigmatism 

Ans. c

Q.33- If X – Rays are passed through successive aluminum sheets, their hardness? 

a) Increase 

b) Remains unaffected

c) Varies 

d) Decreases 

Ans. b

Q.34- When the mass and speed of a body are doubled the KE becomes? 

a) 16 Times 

b) 3 Times 

c) 4 Times 

d) 8 Times

Ans. D

Q.35- The mean color of the spectrum is? 

A) Blue 

B) Green 

C) Violet 

D) Yellow

Ans. B


Q.36- I have been working here _______ ten years? 

A) from 

B) since 

C) for 

D) with 

Ans. C

Q.37- I suspect him ____ stealing the pen. 

A) for 

B) of 


D) on 

Ans. B

Q.38- My brother was trembling ____ cold. 

A) from 

B) with 

C) of 

D) by 

Ans. B

Q.39- He is worried _____ his future. 

A) for 

B) of 

C) about 

D) with 

Ans. C

Q.40- She is thankful to you for being so patient ____ her.

A) for 

B) of 

C) with 

D) at 

Ans. C

Q.41- Synonym of OBLIQUE is _____________? 

A) Horizontal 

B) Bore 

C) Slanting 

D) Disregard 

Ans. C

Q.42- Synonym of rebate is ____________ ? 

A) Gift 

B) Charity

C) Commission

D) Discount 

Ans. D

Q.43- The Synonym of Abstemious is___________? 

A) Diligent 

B) Confused 

C) Moderate

D) None of these

Ans. C

Q.44- Synonym of Prudence is____________?

A) Judgement

B) Folly

C) Recklessness

D) Incapable 

Ans. A

Q.45- Synonym of LOQUACIOUS is _____________?

A) Talkative 

B) Thirsty 

C) Funny

D) Non of these

Ans. A

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Q.46- Antonym of INGEST is _____________? 

A) Disgorge 

B) Disrupt 

C) Absorb 

D) Devour 

Ans. A

Q.47- Antonym of SCURRILOUS is_____________? 

A) Abusive 

B) Ribald 

C) Decent 

D) Mitigate 

Ans. C

Q.48- Antonym of “kowtow” is ___________. 

A) snub 

B) pull 

C) fawn

D) forage 

Ans. A

Q.49- Antonym of “gainsay” is _______. 

A) regret 

B) own 

C) prudent 

D) prude 

Ans. B

Q.50- Antonym of ” Chaste ” is _____________? 

A) Celibate 

B) Talkative 

C) Aspirant

D) Promiscuous

Ans. D

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