AMC Academic Test Preparation, Test-2


     AMC Academic Test Preparation    



Muha mmad

Written By; Ch M Umar

Composed By; Ch M Umar 

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Q.1- Nucleus in plant cells was discovered by: 

 A: Dutrochet 

 B: Robert Brown 

 C: Robert Hooke 

 D: Schleiden Correct

                          Ans. (c)

Q.2- Robert Hooke examined thin slices of cork made up of the bark of: 

 A: Pine 

B: Sheesham 

C: Oak 

D: Mulberry 

                       Correct Ans. (c)

Q.3- The water percentage of cytosol in the cytoplasm is:

A: 50 

B: 60

C: 70 

D: 90

                           Correct Ans. (d)

Q.4- Proteins are synthesized in the: 

A: Ribosomes 

B: Mitochondria 

C: Nucleus 

D: Nucleolus

                            Correct Ans. (a) 

 Q.5- Which of the following organelles is present in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? 

A: Chloroplast 

B: Ribosomes

C: Mitochondria

D: Golgi Complex

                             Correct Ans. B

 Q.6- Which of the following cell organelles is present in both plant and animal cells? 

A: Chlorophyll 

B: Plasma membrane 

C: Plastids 

D: Cell wall 

                       Correct Ans. B

Q.7- Which of the structures is not found in a prokaryotic cell? 

A: Plasma membrane 

B: Nuclear envelope 

C: Ribosome 

D: Cell wall 

                    Correct Ans. B

 Q.8- Mitochondria are found: 

A: in all cells 

B: only in plant cells 

C: only in animal cells

D: in all eukaryotic cells 

                           Correct Ans. D 

 Q.9- Green pigments capable of capturing the energy of sunlight are located within the: 

A: Golgi complex 

B: Endoplasmic complex 

C: Chloroplast

D: Cell wall


                                  Correct Ans. C 

 Q.10- The main function of the plasma membrane is to: 

A: synthesize ribosomes 

B: Control what goes into and out of the cell 

C: Allow all kinds of substances to enter the cell 

D: Move the cell from place to place 

                     Correct ans. B 

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Q.11- Which of the following bodies is not bounded by a double membrane structure? 

A: mitochondrion 

B: Chloroplast 

C: Lysosome 

D: Nucleus 

                       Correct Ans. C

Q.12- Which of the following cell organelles release oxygen: 

A: ribosome 

B: Golgi complex 

C: Mitochondria 

D: Chloroplast 

                            Correct Ans. D 

 Q.13- Which of the following cellular organelles extracts energy from glucose and forms ATP molecules: 

A: Lysosome 

B: Chloroplast

C: Mitochondrion 

D: Chromoplast 

                                Correct Ans. C 

 Q.14- The plastids that give fruits and flowers their orange and yellow colours are the: 

A: leucoplasts 

B: chloroplasts 

C: Chromoplasts 

D: Proplasts   

                                   Correct Ans. C 

 Q.15- They provide support to the plant body: 

A: Phloem cells 

B: Parenchyma cells 

C: Sclerenchyma cells 

D: Chlorechyma cells 

                            Correct Ans. (c) 


Q.16- Gooch crucible is used to filter the solution of 

 (a) K2Cr2O7 

 (b) KMnO4 

 (c) KOH 

 (d) under suction crucible 

                                    Ans. B

Q.17- Chromatography in which stationary phase is solid is call

(a) partition chromatography

(b) paper chromatography 

(c) high pressure

(d) adsorption chromatography 

                                 Ans. D

Q.18- Chromatography involves these distribution of a solution betweene

 (a) two stationary phase 

 (b) two mobile phase 

 (c) a stationary phase and a mobile phase 

 (d) two stationary and two mobile phase


                                     Ans. C 

Q.19- Solvent extraction is an equilibrium process and it is controlled by 

 (a) law of mass action 

 (b) the amount of solvent used 

 (c) distribution law 

 (d) the amount of solute 

                               Ans. C 

Q.20- The meaning of chromatos 

 (a) colour writing 

 (b) colour writing 

 (c) colour forming 

 (d) colour spreading 

                                        Ans. A 

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Q.21 In paper chromatography the stationary phase is 

 (a) water 

 (b) organic liquid 

 (c) inorganic liquid 

 (d) none of the above 

                           Ans. A

Q.22- Filtration by a glass funnel and filter paper is very 

 (a) time consuming 

 (b) difficult 

 (c) fast 

 (d) accurate 


                             Ans. A

Q.23- During the process of crystallization, the hot saturated solution 

 (a) is cooled very slowly to get large sized crystals 

 (b) is cooled at a moderate rate to get medium sized crystals  

 (c) is evaporated to get the pure crystals of the product 

                         Ans. B

Q.24- Which is not common way of carrying chromatography 

 (a) ascending 

 (b) descending 

 (c) radial/circular

 (d) spreading irregularly

                                             Ans. D

Q.25- In paper chromatography the rate at which solutes move depends on 

 (a) distribution law 

 (b) distribution coefficients 

 (c) law of partial pressure 

 (d) law of specific proportion 

                                  Ans. B 


Q.26- A vector which has zero magnitude is called: 

 (A) negative vector

 (B) unit vector 

 (C) null vector 

 (D) resultant vector 

                                        Ans. C

Q.27- The direction of vector in space is specified by: 

 (A) 1-angle

 (B) 2-angle 

 (C) 3-angle 

 (D) 4-angle 

                           Ans. C

Q.28- Both the dot product and cross product of two vectors A → and B →is zero, when; 

 (A) A and B are parallel to each other 

 (B) A and B are antiparallel

 (C) A and B are perpendicular to each other 

 (D) Either the vector is zero 

                                    Ans. D

Q.29- The scalar or dot product of A with itself is: 

 (A) 2A 

 (B) A 2 

 (C) A/2 

 (D) A 

                                Ans. B


Q.30- Torque has zero value if angle between r and F is:  

(A) 0 o 

(B) 30 o 

(C) 60 o 

(D) 90 o

                                              Ans. A

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 Q.31- Magnitude of unit vectors is: ×i ^ j ^ 

 (A) 1 

(B) -1 

(C) −j ^ 

(D) +K^ 


                         Ans. A

Q.32- If then the angle between and is: ABsinθ = ABcosθ A⃗  B⃗  

(A) 30 o 

(B) 45 o 

(C) 60 o

(D) 180 o 

                          Ans. B

Q.33- Conventionally, clockwise torque is taken as:

 (A) negative 

 (B) positive

 (C) zero

 (D) neither positive nor negative

                                              Ans. A

Q.34- A vector in space has components:

 (A) 1

 (B) 2

 (C) 3 

 (D) 4 

                             Ans. C

Q.35- If magnitude of cross product and dot product of two vectors are equal. The angle between the vectors is:

(A) 0 O 

(B) 90 O 

(C) 180 O 

(D) 45 o 

                      Ans. D 


Q.36- My sister is bad _____ maths. 

A. in 

B. with 

C. at 

D. from 

                                     Ans. C

Q.37- He is accustomed ______ hot weather. 

A. with 

B. of

C. to 

D. by 


                                Ans. C

Q.38- I was amazed ________ his misbehavior. 

A. In 

B. At 

C. For 

D. With 

                                      Ans. B

Q.39- He is superior _____me? 

A. To 

B. than 

C. With 

D. from 

                                             Ans. A

Q.40- I would like to thank you ____________ behalf of all of us?

A. Of 

B. on 

C. about 

D. in 

                                               Ans. B

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Q.41- Synonym of “reformation” is _________?

A. repetition 

B. change 

C. revelation 

D. retreat 


                                            Ans. B

Q.42- Synonym of “errata” is _________? 

A. antiques

B. suggestive literature

C. odd behaviour

D. list of errors

                                                Ans. D

Q.43- Synonym of “envisage” is _________?

A. visualize 

B. inspect 

C. surround

D. idealize 

                                 Ans. A

Q.44- Synonym of “interpolate” is _________? 

A. flee 

B. explain 

C. reverse 

D. insert 

                             Ans. D

Q.45- Synonym of “omnipresent” is _________?

A. allknowing

B. ubiquitous

C. threatening

D. hovering 

                                       Ans. B

Q.46- Which one of the following is antonym of ” Mordant ” while others are synonyms?

A. acerbic 

B. caustic 

C. corrosive 

D. pleasaNT

                         Ans. D

Q.47- Which one of the following is antonym of ” Raucous” while others are synonyms?

A. Hoarse 

B. Subdued 

C. Strident

D. Discordant 

                                 Ans. B

Q.48- Antonym of “filthy” is_________? 

A. Clean 

B. Grimy 

C. Grubby 

D. Putrid 


                                      Ans. A

Q.49- Antonym of ARTIFICIAL is ______________?

 A. Red 

B. Solid 

C. Truthful 

D. Natural

                                                Ans. D

Q.50- Antonym of DUCTILE is _____________? 

A. Docile 

B. Pliable 

C. Stiff 

D. Supple 

                             Ans. C

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