AFNS Academic Test Preparation, Test-2

 AFNS Academic Test Preparation


Written By; Ch M Umar

Composed By; Ch M Umar

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Q.1- The pushing out of materials by the cell against the concentration gradient is: 

 A. Low transport 

B. Passive transport 

C. Active transport 

 D. Moderate transport 

 Correct Ans. (c)

Q.2- Parenchyma cells are concerned with: 

 A. Secretion 

B. Support 

C. Carry Oxygen 

D. Storage of surplus food 

 Correct Ans. (d) 

 Q.3- Substances cross the cell membrane more easily when they are: 

 A. Water soluble 

 B. Protein soluble

  C. Alcohol soluble

  D. Lipid soluble

                                Correct Ans. (d) 

 Q.4- It is the first to be formed: 

 A. Primary wall 

 B. Secondary wall 

 C. Tertiary wall 

 D. Middle lamella 

 Correct Ans. (a) 

 Q.5- Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum helps to: 

 A. Synthesize proteins 

 B. Detoxify the harmful drugs

  C. Prepare food 

 D. Decompose proteins 

 Correct Ans. (b)

Q.7- They are absent in higher plants: 

 A. Plastids 

B. Golgi Apparatus 

C. Cell Membranes 

D. Centrioles 

 Correct Ans. D 

 Q.8- Which of the following molecules move regularly from the nucleus to the cytoplasm? 

 A. Glycogen 



 D. Cholesterol


    Correct Ans. C

Q.9- Which of the following cytoplamic organelles is not bounded by membrane:

 A. Mitochodrion 

B. Lysosome

 C. Ribosome

 D. Plastids

 Correct Ans. C 

 Q.10- Which of the following properties is incorrect for both mitochondria and chloroplast: 

 A. Both have an electron transport system B. ATP synthesis 

C. Both are present in all cells 

D. Both are double membrane structures 

 Correct Ans. C

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Q.11- What is a Sponge ? 

(a) A fungus

  (b) A fossil 

(c) A plant

  (d) An animal 

 Ans. D

Q.12- Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus? 



(c)Whooping cough 

(d) Ring worm 

 Ans. A

Q.13- Which of the following is known as Vitamin B1? 


 (b) Thiamin

  (c) Riboflavin

  (d) Ascorbic Acid 

 Ans. B

Q.14- Pathogenic bacteria secrete (a)Antigens

 (b) Antibodies 

 (c) Hormones 

 (d) Interferon’s

 Ans. A

Q.15- Which of the following food items is rich in iron ?


 (b) Apple

 (c) Pulses 

(d) Orange 

 Ans. B


Q.16- Several types of filter media are used for filtration depending on 

 (a) nature of reaction

  (b) nature of reactants 

 (c) nature of precipitate 

 (d) nature of filter paper 

Ans. C

Q.17- Filtration by a glass funnel and filter paper is very 

 (a) time consuming 

 (b) difficult 

 (c) fast 

 (d) accurate

Ans. AQ.18- Gooch crucible is used to filter the solution of 

 (a) K2Cr2O7

  (b) KMnO4

  (c) KOH

   (d) under suction crucible

Ans. B

Q.19- In solvent extraction solute can be separated from solution by shaking the solution with solvent which the solute is 

 (a) more soluble 

 (b) partially soluble 

 (c) insoluble 

 (d) soluble at high

Ans. A

Q.20- Repeated extraction using small portions of solvent are more 

 (a) accurate 

 (b) efficient

 (c) slow

  (d) rapid

Ans. B

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Q.21- Chromatography involves these distribution of a solution between 

 (a) two stationary phase 

 (b) two mobile phase 

 (c) a stationary phase and a mobile phase (d) two stationary and two mobile phase

Ans. C

Q.22- In paper chromatography the rate at which solutes move depends on

  (a) distribution law 

 (b) distribution coefficients 

 (c) law of partial pressure 

 (d) law of specific proportion

Ans. B

Q.23- The comparative rates at which the solutes move in paper chromatography depend on 

 (a) the size of paper used 

 (b) Rf values of solutes 

 (c) temperature of the experiment 

 (d) size of the chromatographic tank used

Ans. B

Q.24- A filtration process could be very time consuming if it were not aided by the gentle suction, which is developed 

 (a) if the paper covers the funnel up to its circumference 

 (b) if the paper has got small sized pores in it 

 (c) if the stem of the funnel is large so that it dips into the filtrate 

 (d) if the paper fits tightly

Ans. D

Q.25- During the process of crystallization, the hot saturated solution 

 (a) is cooled very slowly to get large sized crystals 

 (b) is cooled at a moderate rate to get medium sized crystals 

 (c) is evaporated to get the pure crystals of the product 

 (d) is mixed with an immiscible liquid, to get the pure crystal of the products

Ans. B


Q.26- The direction of vector in space is specified by: 

 (A) 1-angle 

(B) 2-angle 

(C) 3-angle 

(D) 4-angle

Ans. C

Q.27- The y-component of vector 100 N force, making an angle of 30 with the x-axis is: o 

 (A) 50N 

(B) 20N 

(C) 10N 

(D) 80N

Ans. A

Q.28- The cross product of two anti-parallel vectors is: 

 (A) 0

(B) 1 

(C) Maximum 

(D) Negative

Ans. A

Q.29- The scalar or dot product of A with itself is: 

 (A) 2A 

(B) A 2 

(C) A/2

 (D) A

Ans. B

Q.30- Torque has zero value if angle between r and F is: 

 (A) 0 o 

(B) 30 o 

(C) 60 o 

(D) 90 o

Ans. A

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Q.31- The force and torque are analogous to: 

 (A) Velocity 

(B) Mass and weight 

(C) Moment of inertia 

(D) Each other

Ans. D

Q.32- Conventionally, clockwise torque is taken as: 

 (A) negative 

(B) positive 

(C) zero 

(D) neither positive nor negative

Ans. A

Q.33- A scalar is a physical quantity which is completely specified by: 

 (A) a number 

(B) a direction only 

(C) a number with proper units

Ans. C

Q.34- If a vector A makes an angle θ with x-axis, its y-component is given by: 

 (A) Asinθ 

(B) Atanθ 

(C) Acosθ 

(D) A/sinθ

Ans. A

Q.35- If R is negative and R is positive and resultant lies in quadrant: x y 

 (A) 1st 

(B) 2nd 

(C) 3rd 

(D) 4th

Ans. B


Q.36- I would like to thank you ____________ behalf of all of us?

A. of 

B. on 

C. about 

D. in 


Q.37- Please do not interfere _____________ my personal affairs?


B. in 

C. about 

D. on 


Q.38- Nafeesa is afraid ___________spiders? A. from 

B. in 

C. about 

D. of 


Q.39- The railway track runs ______ the river.

A. over 

B. across 

C. by 

D. on 


Q.40- She’s angry ______ you. 

A. On 

B. For 

C. With 

D. To 


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Q.41- Synonym of “bowdlerize” is _________?A. censor

B. seize literally

C. add to

D. become rowdy


Q.42- Synonym of “impugn” is _________? 

A. attribute

B. attack verbally

C. press

D. hold back by force

Ans. B

Q.43- Synonym of “amend” is _________? 

A. alter 

B. suggest

C. bring together

D. subscribe 

Ans. A

Q.44- Synonym of “amnesty” is _________? agreement

B. cease-fire 

C. pardon

D. exchange of prisoners

Ans. C

Q.45- Synonym of “superfluous” is _________? 

A. flowing 

B. disdainful 

C. ornate

D. unnecessary

Ans. D

Q.46- Antonym of DUCTILE is _____________? A. Docile 

B. Pliable 

C. Stiff 

D. Supple 

Ans. C

Q.47- Antonym of FOREMOST is _____________?

A. Unimportant

B. Hindmost 

C. Disposed 

D. Mature 

Ans. A

Q.48- Antonym of DENIGRATE is _____________? 

A. Asperse 

B. Besmirch 

C. Boost 

D. Vilify 

Ans. C

Q.49- Antonym of SINGULAR is _____________? 

A. Common 

B. Social 

C. Dull 

D. Ancient 

Ans. A

Q.50- Antonym of “brazen” is ________. 

A. bashful 

B. boisterous 

C. noisy 

D. heated 

Ans. A

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