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Q.1- Which of the following determines the shape of the chromosomes? 

A) chromatids 

B) Chromatin material 

C) shape of the centromeres 

D) position of the centromere 

Ans. d

Q.2- Which of these chromosomes have a very short arm? 

 A) Telocentric 

B) Metacentric 

 C) Acrocentric 

 D) Submetacentric 

 Ans. c

Q.3- DNA and histones together form a structure called 

A) Centromeres 

B) Nucleosome 

C) Nucleoplasm 

D) Centriole 

 Ans. b 

 Q.4- DNA replication occurs in which phase of the cell cycle? 

 A) prophase 

B) interphase 

C) metaphase 

D) Telophase 

 Ans. b 

 Q.5- In plants, meiosis occurs during the formation of: 

 A) gametes 

B) seeds 

C) spores 

D) zygote 

 Ans. c

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Q.6- The number of chromosomes in a fertilized egg is: 

 A) half as many as in unfertilized egg the same as in sperm 

B) twice the number as in a sperm 

C) twice the number as in somatic cell 

 D) Non of these 

Ans. d

Q.7- The process by which homologous chromosomes being to pair with each other is called. 

 A) chiasma 

B) interkinesis 

C) crossing over 

D) synapsis 

 Ans. d 

 Q.8- The points at which crossing over has taken place between homologous chromosomes are called 

 A) Chiasmata 

B) Centromeres 

C) Synapsis 

D) Centrosomes 

 Ans. a

Q.9- The disease caused by Asbestos is : 

a) Emphysema 

 b) Paralysis 

 c) Diarrhea 

 d) Dysentery

Ans. A 

Q.10- In the eye colour vision is effected by the presence of: 

a) Choroid coat 

b) Sclerotic coat 

c) Rods 

 d) Cones 

Ans. D

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Q.11- Which of the following is NOT one of the important steps in processing tea leaves? 

a) Rolling 

 b) Drying 

c) Fermenting 

d) Withering 

Ans. c 

Q.12- Dehydration in human body is caused due to the loss of: 

a) vitamins 

b) salts

c) hormones 

d) water 

 Ans. d

Q.13- In the case of test tube babies 

a) egg is fertilized in the uterus. 

b) embryo completes its development in a test tube.

c) embiyo is placed in uterus after 2 months.

d) egg is fertilized outside mother s body

Ans. c

Q.14- Kidney disease in man is caused by the pollutant:

a) Cadmium 

 b) Iron 

c) Cobalt 

d) Carbon 

 Ans. a 

Q.15- Fruits of this plant are found underground: 

a) Potato 

 b) Carrot 

 c) Groundnut 

 d) On

Ans. c

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Q.16- Amorphous solids. 

a) have sharp melting points 

b) undergo clean cleavage when cut with knife 

c) have perfect arrangements of atoms 

d) can presses small regions of orderly arrangements of atoms

Ans. d

Q.17- Which of the following is a pseudo-solid 

a) CaF2 

 b) Glass 

c) NaCl 

 d) All

Ans. b

Q.18- Diamond is a bad conductor because 

 a) It has a tight structure 

 b) It has a high density 

c) There is no free electron present in the crystal of diamond to conduct electricity 

d) None of the above

Ans. c

Q.19- The force of attraction between the atoms of helium is

a) hydrogen bonding

b) coordinate covalent bond

c) covalent bond 

 d) london dispersion force 

Ans. d

Q.20- Ionic crystals are 

a) hard 

 b) soft 

c) brittle 

 d) amorphous

Ans. A 

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Q.21- Reaction in which heat evolves is called 

A) endothermic 

B) spontaneous 

C) non-spontaneous 

D) exothermic 

Ans. D 

Q.22- CuSO4 + Zn?ZnSO4+Cu is 

A) Spontaneous reaction 

B) Non-spontaneous reaction 

C) Endothermic 

D) Exothermic 

Ans. A 

 Q.23- Pumping of water uphill is 

A) spontaneous process 

B) non-spontaneous process 

C) irreversible process 

D) reversible process 


 Q.24- State function the macroscopic property of system depends upon 

A) path of reaction 

B) initial state

C) final state 

D) initial and final state

Ans. D

Q.25- Which one of the following is a state function? 

A) pressure 

B) temperature 

C) enthalpy 

D) all of the above 

 Ans. D


Q.26- The unit of work in base units is: 

 A) kg m sec -1 -2 

B) kg m sec 2 

C) kg m sec 2 -2 

D) kg m sec -1 -1

Ans. c

Q.27- The rate of doing work is known as: 

 A) impulse 

B) energy 

C) Momentum 

D) power 

Ans. d

Q.28- The commercial unit of electric energy is: 

 A) Kilowatt hour 

B) Watt 

C) Watt-hour 

D) Kilowat

Ans. a

Q.29- One Watt Hour is equal to: 

 A) 3.6 MJ 

B) 3.6 KJ 

C) 36 kJ 

D) 36 MJ

Ans. b

Q.30- Which one is non renewable source of energy? 

 A) Hydroelectric 

B) Biomass 

C) Tides

D) Oil

Ans. D

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 Q.31- The ray falling on the center of mirror passes through–? 

 A) Parallel 

 B) Focus 

 C) Focal length 

 D) Normal

Ans. a

Q.32- Limiting friction is always——- then rolling friction? 

 A) Less than 

 B) Coefficient 

 C) Equal to 

 D) Greater

Ans. a 

Q.33- The potential energy of a body changes——–? 

 A) Directly with mass and inversely with height 

 B) Directly with both mass and height 

 C) Diversely with mass and directly with height 

 D) None of these

Ans. b 

Q.34- Total internal reflection takes place when——? 

 A) Enter from denser medium to rare medium 

 B) None of these 

 C) Greater than critical angle 

 D) Less than critical angle

Ans. d 

Q.35- When a body goes up with 2g acceleration then —–? 

 A) Double the acceleration of body 

 B) Double the length of body 

 C) Double the mass of body 

 D) Double the velocity of body

Ans. b


Q.36- He is interested ____________ history?

A) of 

B) in 

C) about 

D) on



Q.37- He is good ______ Football. 

A) At 

B) Of 

C) With 

D) In 

Ans. A

Q.38- Is this is the bus, ______ goes to the Sadar Bazar?

A) that 

B) who 

C) which 

D) To arrive 

Ans. C

Q.39- The public were deeply sceptical ________ some of the proposals?


B) With 

C) About 

D) From 

Ans. C

Q.40- We are sensible _____ the difficulties he face s?


B) of

C) with 

D) on 

Ans. B 

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Q.41- Synonym of “phlegmatic” is _________? 

A) stolid 

B) aroused 

C) animated 

D) pneumatic 

Ans. A

Q.42- Synonym of “demise” is _________? 

A) residence 

B) death 

C) accident 

D) act 

Ans. B

Q.43- Synonym of “intractable” is _________?

A) hard to manage

B) barbaric 

C) flawless 

D) elusive 

Ans. A

Q.44- Synonym of “celibate” is _________? 

A) single

B) hypocritical

C) married 

D) bald 

Ans. A

Q.45- Synonym of “nepotism” is _________? 

A) favoritism 

B) hedonism

C) philosophy

D) rule of despot

Ans. A

Q.46- Antonym of QUIESCENT is _____________? 

A) Asleep 

B) Active

C) Deactivated

D) Fallow 

Ans. B

Q.47- The antonyms of Stale is____________? 

A) Old 

B) Fresh 

C) Tale 

D) Break 


Q.48- Antonym of PACIFIC is _____________?

A) Aggressive

B) Peaceful 

C) Hawkish

D) Discordant

Ans. A

Q.49- Antonym of “awe” is _______. 

A) borrow 

B) shallow 

C) low 

D) contempt 

Ans. D

Q.50- Antonym of “penurious” is _______? 

A) generous 

B) lenient 

C) injurious 

D) relaxed 

Ans. A

If you have any question, Comment below!

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