ASF Carporal Written Test Preparation | Test-1| Pak Forces Info




ASF Test Preparation


Q.1- He is weak _____ grammar. 

A) at 

B) in 

C) from 

D) with 

Q.2- I have had problems similar ______ yours. 

A) from 

B) with 

C) of 

D) to 

Q.3- I am sick _____ job. 

A) from 

B) with 

C) of 

D) by 

Q.4- He is averse_______hard work. 

A) on 

B) to 

C) at 

D) from 

Q.5- Unfortunately, we had to cancel it owing ___________ the bad weather?

A) of 

B) in 

C) about 

D) To

Q.6- Synonym of “pedagogue” is _________?

A) demagogue

B) peddler 

C) pupil 

D) teacher 

Q.7- That was __________movie I have ever seen. 

A) worse 

B) the worst

C) most worst

D) bad 

D) bad 

D) bad 

Q.8- ______you leave now, you will be late. 

A) Until 

B) Till 

C) Unless 

D) Although 

Q.9- I knew he ____ fail in exam. 

A) shall 

B) will 

C) would

D) both A & B

Q.10- Antonym of SINGULAR is _____________? 

A) Common 

B) Social 

C) Dull 

D) Ancient 

General Knowledge

Q.11 Total number of continents in the world;

A) 5

B) 6

C) 7

D) 9

Q.12- Total number of oceans in the world;

A) 3

B) 5

C) 7

D) 12

Q.13- Which one is the largest ocean in the world;

A) Indian

B) Pacific

C) Atlantic

D) Arcatic

Q.14- Which one is the smallest ocean in the world;

A) Indian 

B) Pacific

C) Atlantic

D) Arctic

Q.15- Dead sea is located between which two countries?

A) Jordan and Sudan

B) Jordan and Israel

C) Turkey and UAE

D) UAE and Egypt

Q.16- Which country gifted the "Statue of liberty" to USA in 1886?

A) French

B) Canada

C) Brazil

D) England

Q.17- Which country is also known as "Land of the Mid night Sun"?

A) Greenland

B) Iceland

C) Ireland

D) Norway

Q.18- Which country is known as the playground of Europ?

A) Austria

B) Holland

C) Switzerland

D) Italy

Q.19- In which ocean 'Bermuda Triangle' region is located?

A) Atlantic

B) Indian

C) Pacific

D) Arctic

Q.20- Which country is also known as the 'Land of Rising Sun'

A) Japan

B) New Zealand 

C) Fiji

D) China

Pak Study

Q.21- Muhammad Bin Qasim entered India in 

a) 712  

b) 713 

c) 711 

d) 714

Q.22- First Islamic state was established in India in 

a) 1206 

b) 1202 

c) 1208 

d) 1209

Q.23- Qatub-u-din Aibek became the first ruler of Islamic state of India in 

a) 1206 

b) 1202 

c) 1208 

d) 1209

Q.24- Syed Ahmad Shaheed was martyred at Balakot

a) 1843 

b) 1831 

c) 1832 

d) 1837

Q.25- The first Governor-General of Bengal was: 

a) Lord Conwallis 

b) Lord Clive 

c) Lord Wellesley 

d) Warren Hastings 

Q.26- On whose request Ahmad Shah Abdali attacked India and defeated Marhattas at Panipat? 

a) Shah Ismail 

b) Haji Shaukat Ullah 

c) Syed Ahmad Shaheed 

d) Shah Wali Ullah 

Q.27- Second Battle of Panipat was fought between Hemubikal and Akbar in 

a) 1493 

b) 1555 

c) 1556 

d) 1548

Q.28- First voyage of Vasco da Gama to India (discovery of seas route to India via the Cape of Good Hope) was in 

a) 1456 

b) 1476 

c) 1498 

d) 1345

Q.29- Who was the last ruler of Lodi dynasty? 

a) Bahlol Lodi 

b) Daulat Khan Lodi 

c) Ibrahim Lodi 

d) Sikandar Lodi

Q.30- The coin rupia was first issued by: 

a) Sher Shah Suri 

b) Alauddin Khilji 

c) Akbar 

d) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

If you have any question, Comment below!


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